Chapter 12

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"Tin, uhm... I was wondering-"

"I'm not interested." The young Medthanan flipped a page in his book without looking up. He was already grouchy from being alone and ignored by his best friend, and he had no desires to befriend some girls. "You're not my type."

"I was wondering if you're busy, because there's someone who want to talk to you." The girl peeped with reddened face and pointed over to the front gate where a guy sat on his motorcycle, beckoning for Tin to come closer.

Tin rushed past the girl, briefly returning as he left his things on the table. He gathered them quickly into his satchel and run towards the gate, already feeling furious. "You-"

"Get on." Ae tossed a helmet into Tin's arms. The boy barely managed to catch it. When he hesitated, Ae rolled his eyes. "It's about Pete; hurry up."

That was enough to convince Tin to step on the bike and put hand on Ae's hip to hold. They didn't drive far before Ae stopped abruptly and very 'not so gently' knocked Tin off.

"What happened?" Tin asked as he handed Ae the helmet back and followed him into a quite the shabby building. "Where is my friend?" He asked, jogging up the stairs, but Ae kept quiet. As they reached an apartment door, Tin finally caught up to him and with might pushed Ae against a wall. "Where is Pete?!"

"I don't know!" Ae shouted back and harshly shoved the taller boy away. It was then that Tin noticed how bruised Ae's face was, even though the I juries didn't look completely fresh. "I haven't-"

"Stop shouting." Lisa whacked Ae over the head as soon as her door opened. She frowned at the duo, scaling Tin from head to toe, before dragging them both inside. "And who is this kid? Pete's brother?"

"I want to know where my best friend is!" Tin scowled at the blonde woman.

Lisa sighed. "So you don't know either, huh? Ae. What did you tell him?"

"I haven't said anything." Ae run a hand through his hair in frustration. He turned to Tin with a sigh. "Look, I don't know where Pete is. I just know who took him."

Tin folded his arms. "Who? And when? Pete hasn't come to university since Friday. I went to his house yesterday; his parents went to Menorca so they don't even know he's gone."

"It's complicated. I just need you to help me-"

"I'm a pretty smart guy." Tin cut Ae off. "So tell me what the hell is going on? Damn it, I kept telling Pete not to get involved with you. I swear if we find him dead, I'm going to kill you."

When Ae finally finished explaining the situation, Tin was seething. He knew Ae was trouble, but he didn't realise how much danger Pete could be in.

"So you killed someone..." Tin wiped his sweaty forehead. "I'm telling you right now. Once Pete is found, you'll pay for this."

"I take my share of consequences." Ae cracked his knuckles. "I called Pete's phone, but it went straight to voicemail. And I've been to the pit but the gang is gone. Tao snatched him from there, he came looking for me, it's all my fault-"

"Yes, it's all your fault." Tin frowned again. "Hang on; Pete went looking for you there?"


"That means he drove there. Was his car there?"

Ae scratched his nape, thinking. There were no signs of Pete's white Benz anywhere around the pit. "They must have taken it."

Upon hearing that, Tin quickly pulled out his phone for the tracking app, entering the number of Pete's car and tapping search. It took a moment before it located the vehicle in a distant part of the city, in suburbs bordering with slums. "Got it. I'm gonna-"

"You can't go there." Lisa grabbed Tin's arm. "You don't know how crazy Tao is, and how dangerous he and his loyal men are."

"I can't just stay still, that's my best friend!"

"And my boyfriend!" Ae smacked Tin's shoulder. "Fuck, I just need you to help me. I don't...I don't want another person in danger if necessary."

Without responding to that, Tin turned around and put the phone to his ear. "P'Chai, I need your help. My friend is in trouble, but I need this to stay quiet. I'll send you the location. Okay." He then put the phone back into his pocket and turned to Ae. "If you want my help, come with me. Sorry for troubling you," He looked at Lisa.

"Lisa." She smiled, the scar on her face tightening.

Tin looked down at her pregnant belly, and then at Ae with a scoff. "It's not mine, she's got a boyfriend!" Ae quickly shook his head.

"Fiancé." Lisa showed her hand. "Bring Pete back safely. I like him a lot."

Ae stared out of the window of a black and that drove way too slowly to his liking. He was biting his fist and bouncing his leg which made Tin very irritate, but he too was very worried.

"I don't think he will kill Pete." Tin finally spoke. "If that guy is trying to get back at you and hurt you, he would want you to see Pete suffer."

"That doesn't make me feel better. Fuck, I'm gonna-"

"You wait in the car until you're told." Tin said firmly as they parked across the street. He recognised Pete's car immediately, parked right by the side of a motorcycle Ae recognised as Tao's.

"He's there!"

"I'll go there myself."


"Pete might have told you how influential his parents are." Tin said. "Well, so are mine. They don't actively engage in dangerous things, but if my life is threatened, they are very quick to eradicate the person who hurt me. P'Chai never throws the first punch."

Ae glanced at the man who drove them. He was already putting on brass knuckles. "Fine, I'll wait here. The guy you're looking for, his face has tattoos, he's got shaved head. Be careful. He's a lot stronger than he looks."

Tin smiled at him coldly before he left the van and walked towards a very shabby looking house. He put on panicked voice as he run around and banged at the door. Ae felt helpless when he couldn't hear what they were saying when someone opened the door.

"Now who do we have here?" Tao smirked when a young boy got dragged into his living room. "Aren't you a good looking one..."

"I'm looking for my friend!" Tin yelped when his arms got twisted behind his back. "Please, I'm just worried for my friend, I saw his car parked here, and-"

"Tsk." Tao clicked his tongue. He grabbed Tin's chin and turned his face from side to side. "You know, he's starting to look a little worn out to me. Maybe you could replace him, hm?"

"Pete!" Tin yelled, which gave him the response he needed. When Tao's fist hit his cheek, Tin pressed the button on his ring.

Chai turned to Ae. "Now."

Friend from the wild side ( AePete AU )Where stories live. Discover now