Chapter 1 Ruperts first mission

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Meanwhile, in Chicago

It was a moonlit night, rally and may were just about to close up the gun shop

Rally: all right, were just about ready to close up, May are you coming?

May: yes coming rally

Rally: also one thing, did you lock the doors?

May: I forgot again

Rally: go lock it up May, I keep telling you not to forget locking it up

May: ugh, I know rally

Rally then toss the keys to May and started locking up the doors

May: by the way rally, why didn't you just give me the keys before you told me to lock it up?

Rally: oh yeah, silly me, I should probably give you a copy, all right, come on, let's go Home and get some sleep

Rally and May walk to the car and drove for home, at the house, rally was in bed thinking, years has passed ever since the disappearance of her father, she hasn't found one single clue where her father was, rally than turned off The lamp on the side of her bed and went to sleep

Meanwhile, in stick Ville

Beep, beep, beep ,beep, ugh, I am so damn tired of having this alarm clock, said Rupert as he stopped his alarm clock and began to get up. He took a shower, got dressed on his sergeant uniform, got into his Ford crown Victoria, and drove off to pick up Dave at his house

Meanwhile at Dave's house

Rupert had now finally arrived at Dave's house, He was waiting for him.

Honk honk

Rupert: come on Dave were going to be late

Then finally, Dave got out of the house, lock the door, and went into Rupert's car, and drove away

Dave: sigh, sorry Rupert, I overslept, and I forgot to wake up early, also, I bought your lunch, just the way you like it

Rupert: thanks Dave, but you Gotta make sure you set your alarm clock

I will ,said Dave nervously

Soon Rupert and Dave arrived at the government base, They both stepped out of the car. And walked into the cafeteria for breakfast, Henry and the triple threat were there with Ellie and Charles

Henry: Hey Rupert ,Dave

Rupert: morning you three, sorry, were late Dave accidentally overslept again

Charles: don't worry, I sometimes overslept too on my first day

Thanks Charles ,said Rupert

Attention, Rupert price, come to the generals office, he wants to speak with you

Rupert: sigh, well, duty calls, Dave could you look after my breakfast when I get back?

Dave: sure buddy, i'll look at it for you

Rupert: thanks, I won't be long

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