Chapter 2 finding rally and may

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Last time ,Rupert was assigned on his first mission to Chicago, to help out with a bounty hunter name rally Vincent, Rupert offered Dave to join in on his mission, The too took an overnight train to Chicago, and they arrived, all there is now, is to find rally and May, Will Dave and Rupert find rally and may, let's find out

Meanwhile at the Chicago city train station

Rupert and Dave, were outside the train station, where they were just about to get their car

Rupert: OK Dave, let's get are car after at the cars pick up retrieval Area

They both walked to the cars pick up retrieval area, they both keep their eyes peeled for a Ford crown Vic, The car that Rupert drives

Dave: Rupert, there it is

Rupert: All right, let's go

Rupert then open The car and grab the keys, Dave then open the trunk, and put all of their stuff in

All right ,said Dave, were ready to go, all right, get in, replied Rupert, The two got in the car, and drove off

Meanwhile at the gun shop

Rally was just about to open up

May: how man, it's freezing out here, my feet are turning into Popsicles

Rally: don't worry May, besides The gun shop has an AC

May: yeah, but it's still cold outside in Chicago

Rally: yeah, I know how much that feels, come, on it's time to start opening the gun shop

Meanwhile, Rupert and Dave decided to stop and grab  something to eat, Dave just got out of the café grabbing sandwiches and two hot chocolates

Dave: here you goRupert, it's cold today

Rupert: thanks Dave

Dave: you were right after you said, it would be cold in Chicago

Rupert: all right, let's look at the papers, OK, so we are now in Chicago, and we need to find rally, we have two addresses, One is her home address, and second is her address to her gun shop,

Dave: which ones should we go to first?

Rupert: Will go to her house first ,if she's home, if not, then will try the gun shop

Rupert and Dave t drove straight to rally's house, finally they arrived, Rupert then was walking up on the front porch, and begin to knock on the door, there was no answer

Rupert: hello, anyone home, Rally Vincent, May Hopkins, are you there?

But they were still no response

Dave: Rupert, is there anyone there?

Rupert: nope, no one is there, they might have left, this house is empty

Dave: I see

Rupert: all right, let's go to the gun shop

Rupert and Dave went back to the car and drove to the gun shop, after a few minute drive, they were finally here

Rupert: all right, here it is, here's the gun shop

Dave: hmm............, gunsmith cats, Rupert, are you sure this is the place?

Rupert: let me double check, well, yes, this is The name of the gun shop, and we are at the right address, The sign says it's open that means they might be still here

Dave: all right, let's go in

The two begin to step out of the car, and begin walking to the gun shop

May: Man, it's still no wonder, you're still single

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