Chapter 3 The disappearance

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Previously on chapter 2, Rupert and Dave finally met  rally and May, Rupert and Dave, and told them that they were here to help find the disappearance of rally's father, Rally then excepted their help, and they both work together to find the disappearance of Larry Vincent.

Meanwhile back at stick Ville

Henry: Man, things have been different, ever since Rupert and Dave left on there first mission to Chicago

Ellie: well, we haven't heard back from them yet

Charles: i'm sure they will be doing fine on their mission

Henry: maybe you're right

Back in Chicago, Rupert and Rally just return home

Rally: hey, so how did  it go finding my father

Rupert: you too find anything?

Dave: no we didn't, we don't have a clue where he is

May: we haven't find any clues

Rally: I think I know a good friend of mine who can help us, she works as a private detective in the Chicago PD, becky nose Farren

Meanwhile, at the Chicago police station, Becky was in her office, when her phone rang

Becky: Rally?,  why is she calling me at this hour, hello?

Rally: hey Becky, sorry to bother you, but I need your help

Becky: what for?

Rally: do you have a file, of my father showing his Records?

Becky: I don't know, i'll check the police archives for any records, and I'll see what I can do

Rally: OK, call me if you find anything, I'll talk to you later, bye

Two hours later, Rally's phone started to ring

Becky: all right, I Think I found it, this is it

Rally: do you think?

Becky: I don't know, you'll have to come see it, meet me at the police station

Rally: all right, were on our way, well see you there

Rupert: you think it might be the one were looking for?

Rally: I hope so, come on let's go

Rupert: May Dave, come on, let's get to the police station

The four left the house, and drove to the police station, finally they arrived, becky was also there, waiting for them outside

Rally: thanks for letting us know, oh, and by the way, you too haven't had met, Rupert this is my friend Becky, she works as a private detective

Rupert: Rupert price, rally told me all about you

Becky: hello Rupert, rally told me you're a government soldier, assigned on a mission to help her find her father

Dave: I'm Rupert's partner, Dave panpa

Becky: Nice to meet you too Dave, i'm guessing you guys are all here Larry Vincent

Rally: yes, do you have the file?

Becky: it's in my office, follow me

The for both walked to Becky's office

Becky: here it is

Rally then first read it

Rally: this is it ,that's the one, let's see here, there it is, it says here that he was tracking down a mafia gang killed who my mother

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