Chapter 9 Lock and load

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Previously on chapter 8, Rupert and the others had rescued Victoria and Larry Vincent, and Rally and her father, were reunited, after years of trying to find him, the guys manage to get out, but they were caught by Goldies mafia gang, they try to fight them, but they were too many, the others were surrounded, and had no way out, Reginald and Goldie had a decision for them, they could either drop their weapons and surrender, and turn Larry and Victoria in, or they could either stay there, or get them self shot and killed?

Goldie: this will be your last warning, if you do not surrender now, and don't turn in Victoria and Larry to us, we will open fire

Reginald: this will be the last time you guys get to see each other again, hand over Victoria and Larry

Rupert: like hell were not, Will never give up Victoria and Larry

Goldie: i'm going to give you to the count of 10, if all of you won't surrender, we will have you shot, ten

Rupert: We got to think of something, we don't have long

Goldie: nine

Charles: we need to come up with a plan quick

Goldie: eight

Rally: we got a hurry

Goldie: seven

Rupert: I might have an idea, May, do you have any smoke grenades?

May: yes, what for?

Goldie: six

Rupert: I have an idea, so listen closely, once we surrender

Goldie: five

Rupert: Once we all throw the smok grenade's

Goldie: four

Rupert: Will pull the pin and throw it at the same time

Goldie: three, two, one, Times up, kill them

Rupert: stop, we surrender, Victoria and Larry are yours

Larry and Victoria, both turn themselves in, with their hands behind their head

Rupert: lay down your weapons, not when I tell everyone to throw the smoke grenades

Goldie: now,witness the power of this drug

Goldie was just about to inject them with the needle, when Rupert just yelled to throw the smoke grenades

Rupert: Now, throw them

The others pulled the pin and throw the smoke grenades at the same time and created a large cloud of smoke

Rupert: Victoria, mr. V, over here

Victoria: I see you Rupert

Victoria and Larry ran to meet up with The others

Rupert: all right, everyone's here, let's run like hell

Rally: what about Goldie and Reginald?

Rupert: Will get them Rally, but we gotta head back and reload, were gonna have to take the sewer tunnel back, I know you guys don't even like the smell of sewage, but it's the only way we could hide quickly

Reginald and Goldie: cough, cough, cough

Reginald: where are they?

Goldie: I don't know, spread out and find them, they gotta be around here somewhere, and don't let them escape

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