Clandestine (Bill Weasley)

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This considers an age gap of 7 years but both Characters are of age! This is Fluff and the first One shot so please don't expect the best and longest yet.

Word Count: 1470 Words


Fred and George Weasley, the two boys that I adore with all my heart and who have supported me my whole time in Hogwarts. I am a year older than them and this is my first year, in which I am not in school anymore, though I spend Christmas with them like every year. We met in the corridors in their first year when they tried to pull a prank on Snape and me being me, I helped them and ever since, they stuck to my side.

I trust these boys with my life and I love hanging out with them, but there is one secret I have to keep from them. I am dating their older brother, Bill Weasley.

He is the greatest boyfriend one could possibly imagine, taking me out on dates whenever we can, spending time and effort on me and buying me small gifts from time to time and our relationship is overall perfect, well, apart from the fact that we are hiding ourselves from his family. I don't exactly have a problem with that because Molly would probably consider me as her daughter-in-law immediately.

Fred and George on the other hand, I don't know how they would take it, if they would be mad at their brother or happy for me? No bloody idea.

How did we happen though? Long Story, but the short one is easy.

Too much fire whiskey and too close proximity.

"Y/N!" Fred and George yell simultaneously while pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

I ruffle both their hair with a big smile before entering the burrow and taking my coat off.

Everything looks like it always did. The burrow was always like a second home to me. Just like Molly is my second mother.

"I missed you guys so much." I sigh of relief.

"Believe me," Fred nods vividly, "we missed you more. Hogwarts is so boring without our third prankster."

"Well at least you two only got half a year left and then you'll be a just as miserable adult as I am." I chuckle and right as the boys want to protest, Molly comes into the room.

Her eyes widen with happiness and she opens her arms, pulling me into a hug, "Oh dear you are finally here. How was the drive?" She asks after releasing me again and pressing a kiss onto my hair.

"Oh it was great, I'm really thankful that you invited me again this year." I nod thankfully while putting my hands into my pockets.

"Oh don't be silly, you are practically like a sister to my boys and you are always welcome here, no matter what. But now you have to excuse me, I have to finish preparing dinner. Arthur and Percy will be home in an hour or two, Ginny is in her room with Hermine, Ron and Harry and Bill and Charlie are up in their room." She kisses my cheek before leaving the room again.

"She didn't even acknowledge us." George presses his lips into a thin line.

"That woman doesn't even try to hide the fact that you are her favorite." Fred throws his hands in the air, huffing, "Ans you are not even her actual Daughter."

"Well what can I say? I'm just very likable." I shrug with a smug grin on my lips, "Anyways boys, I'll go greet your brothers, gotta make a greeting through all the Weasleys."

I kiss them both on their cheeks and they roll their eyes at my amusement.

"Don't let Charlie bore you with his Dragons!" George yells after me.

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