Secrecy (Theodore Nott)

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Honestly I don't even know what to label this as but it's short since it's just a random idea that popped into my head. And yes I am still here, I haven't forgotten about this one-shot book, I was just busy with my other stories.

Word Count: 1076 Words


Most things in my life are rather perfect. I love my family, who supports me dearly in everything I do. I adore my friends, whom Hogwarts would be a boring place without. And my house, Ravenclaw, brings me happiness and pride.

I wouldn't say I ever had a troubled life. Most of my good grades came naturally, I'm chatty so I always manage to make friends wherever I go and boyfriends isn't something I worried about, they came and left but they never lasted long. It didn't bother me that much though.

I liked them of course but never loved them.

Until I found Theodore Nott. Well, what to say, he's a pureblood Slytherin, who dislikes people like me. At least I always thought so. But somehow I managed to form a crush on him anyways and after some time he confessed he had feelings for me too.

We had never really interacted before that. There were stolen glances across the hall but never more.

Jeez I remember how happy that made me. We wanted to be together under one condition. He wanted to keep us secret, which I never really minded since I'm not so big on PDA.

My parents wouldn't like to hear that I am dating a Slytherin Pureblood, just as his parents wouldn't like hearing that he is dating a Ravenclaw Halfblood.

So one might say there aren't any problems in our relationship. Which is true, in the past at least.

Now, after one and a half years of dating, now almost two, we thought of going public. So we could at least hold hands or kiss in the hallways since we've almost finished our last year.

"But what if my mother says something? She'll accuse you of being a deatheater and make us break up. And as a teacher she'll always be around to know what we are up to and whether we are together or not." I say, explaining my point even though I'm not sure anymore wether I'm arguing for or against going public.

We aren't even arguing, more like debating our options. We've sat in his dorm for a while, I couldn't even recall how long, and we still haven't come up with anything useful. Though we did break up our talking session by occasional snoggings.

"Then I'll stay away from you for that time." He shrugs.

"Like you would break up with me or what?" I question.

"Fuck no. I mean I'd stay away from you in public and in private we can do whatever we want."

"But that's basically what we are doing right now." I say slowly, while all the thoughts almost overwhelm my head. It feels like it's gonna explode.

"I know, but if we beginn holding hands, nobody will notice and neither will anyone care so maybe we can make it seem like we've been public for a while and stuff and after we're out of Hogwarts, neither of our parents are gonna be able to do shit."

"I'm confused." I mutter, my brows furrowing slightly.

Then it's quiet for a moment. This is all so confusing and harder than it should be. Our parents should just let us be and love whoever we want to.

Then Theo slowly speaks up again, "You remember that I'm Italian, right?"

"Of course I do but what's that got to do with anything?"

He looks up at me, hope shimmering in his eyes as he tries to find the right words to tell me something.

"How about," He starts, "we keep on being a couple in secret for the remaining time in Hogwarts. It'll be just like it is now, though I'd say we can tell friends, who haven't already caught us doing something, that we are indeed together."

"Alright, and?" I inquire, urging him to keep on talking.

"And then we go to Italy."

"Don't you have relatives there?"

"Alive ones? No. Some are burried there but every Nott, that's still alive, lives in England or Ireland."

"So you wanna flee to Italy?"

A smile grows on his face, "We could live there in peace and not having to fear anyone wanting to murder us who we are. Besides, I know the language and could teach you some stuff."

"But wouldn't they be able to hunt us down? No offense but I know your family would do that."

"None taken, love. And no, we could use charms and stuff to keep us hidden from them. We could build a life there without all the drama, that is if you want to."

Now I have to smile too, "Well that sounds quite nice, yes."

"We could tell a few friends where we live, just in case they want to meet up again or something."

My smile soon vanishes through a dark thought. Something I don't ever want to happen. My eyes wander down to my hands.

"But what about...what if we break up?" I mumble.

Theo places his hands on my cheeks and makes me look up at him again, "Firstly, I love you too much to even think about that. And secondly, if we do decide to break up for whatever reason, we could come back here and our families wouldn't be a threat to any relationship anymore, since there wouldn't be an existing one anymore."

"O-okay." I stutter, scared of the execution.

"Do you want that with me? Run away and hide away in a village in Italy?"

"I do." I nod immediately. I'm not sure whether the plan is gonna work or not but I definitely am sure that I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with him. No matter if we are in England, Italy, Egypt or Russia.

"I love you so much." He smiles and every doubt in my heart vanishes.

"I love you more."

"That's not possible." He shakes his head softly before connecting our lips into a loving kiss.

I never thought that the guy I've heard so many bad things about over the years would end up being the sweetest man on earth, whom I want at my side until eternity.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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