Chapter 4:

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I soon wake up hearing the door bell.... What time is it? I sit up and stretch my legs and arms as I got up, I feel groggy and my body feels sore, I rub my eyes, after washing my face I go to open my door. "Hi. I need you to sign this." I'm so used to seeing a different blonde guy show up at my door that for once, wasn't really expecting the mailman, I grab the board and scan over for a minute, to be honest I don't think I've seen this one around before though. "Right here?" I asked pointing to a spot "yeah." The blonde man said I signed it and gave the board back, he scans over the paper carefully. "Y/n. Cute me you got there." He said looking up at me, I mean I know I'm cute as fuck but something about this guy gives me major creep vibes... "Um... Thank you?" I say "Name's Austin. You're new in town, yeah?" Austin asked me "We'll, I moved here just a few months ago." "Ah, that explains it. I shoulda known you ain't from 'round here, don't get too many people like you in this town."
..... Gimmie my damn package... "What do you mean by that?" I say rising an eyebrow and crossing my arms, "Nothin'." He started "Just not too many hotties livin' here, ya know?" "Look can I just have my package now? I don't have time for this." I asked a bit irritated "Geez, calm down Y/n, loosen up a bit. You should be thankful SOMEONE is talking to you" he said with a look on his face "Oh yeah? How?" "Don't it get lonesome 'round here? Being new and all? I can be your first friend." He leans a arm against my doorframe, bringing his body closer to me. He reeks of axe... Ugh.. "And if you give me the chance" he started "I can even be your boyfriend~." I know I make a disgusted look or a uncomfortable look... But in the corner of my eye, I see Austin's free hand slither it's wat around my waist, before I can say another man grab Austin's shoulder and tugs him away from me... It's Jacob! Thank God! "Hey, are you gonna give her the package or not?" I feel so much better now that Jacobs here, "Who the hell are you?" Austin asked "that doesn't matter. Give her the package." Austin looks down at Jacob, not moving an inch. "Well it just so happens that this is the last trip I need to make for today. I don't mind doing a little overtime~" he looks at me funny, I feel my nose scrunch up "Give her the damn pack and get your creepy ass outta here, ya got that?!" Jacob's voice boomed in my chest and made me and Austin jump a bit, Ive never heard him raise his voice like that before... I kinda liked it... "Alright! Geez... No need to make a scene. Relax." Austin tosses me my package that clearly says fragile on the side, he walks back to his mail truck, before driving off he gives a wink my way. I look at Austin as if he's the creep, which he is. Seems like Jacob saw it too and raised a middle finger at him as he drove off... "Um... Hai Jacob." "That guy didn't touch you, right?" He asked looking pretty pissed "well, he ha had his hand around me, but I was ready to push him away." After I say that he looks like hes shaking "hey are you ok-" "if that asshole ever bothers you again, you let ME know, ok?" He cuts me off I nod. It's probably a good idea to have someone close by to tell or even have a witness to see it happen. "Thanks Jacob." I smile at him, it looked like it calmed him down. "At least i got my mail to my house this time!" I say in a cheer voice, he didn't say anything "... Yeah.." He finally said "well alright, Ill see you later Jacob!" I say.... I wanted to at least give him a kiss on the cheek.. But I kept it to Myself and closed the door huffito, I go to my kitchen and cut the tape "hehehehe! It finally came!" I pull out my new mewsheen kitty mug and bowl, I can't wait to eat so much stuff outta these! Thank God it break with Austin's care. I set my new dishes on my counter and go upstairs to clean and get dressed, maybe look around town. It's hasn't been that hot lately!
Soon after I do my hair shower and get dress I go outside and smile at the wind hitting my face. I look up a nearby park. I had my ear buds in listening to bewitched blood, humming along to the song as I look into the fountain looking at and taking in all the details I see a few stars and fish for a moment it felt like I was all alone nothing, just me... My music... And the fountain.....
But it was broken after I saw a white flash I quickly pull my ear buds out and look where the flash came from my awkward neighbor. Didn't know he was into photography, he had his camera facing my direction "oh hey Jacob!" I say smiling showing my teeth, I make the short walk to him "Y/n! Nice seeing you so soon." He said looking at me with a smirk. I look at his camera "oooo what are you taking pictures of?" I asked pointing at his camera. "Oh, just the fountain here. Also some of the surrounding scenery." He sounded so calm.. He looked down at his camera "you some kind of photographer?" I asked putting my hands on my hoodie pockets "Yup." He started "It started out as a hobby during high school, and eventually it became a nice side job for me." He looked at his camera "I love what I do." I also look at this camera "That's good to hear! Do you have any favorite pictures you've taken lately?" I asked, he blushed a little "Y-yeah....but since I'm using a film camera, the pictures have to be physically developed to see them. It does take some work, but the process is worth it. The results look phenomenal." Jacob fiddles with his camera strap for a bit and keeps one hand on his lens. His other hand looks ready to press a button. "Hey y/n," he started "would you like a model for me? All you have to do is strike a couple of poses. I need some new material for my portfolio." He asked me still a bit shy. I think about it "sure! Any particular poses?" I asked smiling showing my teeth, he holds up his camera and said "anything that makes you comfortable." I go over to the fountain and do some poses, a few some shows and others... Kinda dirty but not so much bc I was in public and there's kids in the park about 30 feet away. Then flash after flash he started taking pictures as I switch poses I smile as I look at him, hearing the constant shuttering from my neighbors camera tells me he's really liking this. "Yes... Just like that... " he said in a low tone taking more pictures, I see a smirk on Jacob's face after taking the pictures he put the camera down "You know y/n," he said "I don't know if anyone's told you this before, but... You're REALLY photogenic." I raise a eyebrow and wonder back to him "photogenic?" "It means you naturally look great in photos." He explains, I feel myself blushing "awwww, that's so sweet of you to say!" I say smiling a bit. He flips his camera to its side and holds down a button on the bottom. His other hand flicks up a tab form the top of the camera and begins turning a knob. "Looks like I've used up my roll of film. I look forward to develop these later. Thank you for being my model, Y/n." He looks at me, I get more red "not a problem Jacob glad to help, also if you wannnnttt I can always be your model" I say I see him blush more. "Is it possible I can see the photos when there developed?" I asked "actually these are, uhhh.... They're for a private portfolio..." "Awww..." I say a bit disappointed "Yeah, my private portfolio is meant for like, showing it to professional companies and stuff. If I post my best work publicly, people might steal my work, you know?" He explained "I guess that makes sense. Well, good luck with your portfolio, Ill see you around!" I say walking away waving "Bye Y/n thanks again~." I find a bench to sit down and pull my phone out take a nice picture of a tree "mama will love this... " I say to myself and I looked up a near mall, I also check the time. It's still early so I walk back to my house grabbing my purse and get in my car and drive to the mall.
Once I walk in I see a pop topic! It's been so long since I've been in here, I look around the place and gasped seeing
no way in fuck I'm leaving without you!
I go to the counter and pay for it giggling as I walk out the store, hours passed and I didn't notice it's already 7! I find myself wondering to the food court looking around and saw a thai food place. I coo at the array of food and smile as I wait in line. But then I hear it "So, what are you gettin'?" The voice asled.... Fuck me I turn and it's fucking Austin "I said, what are you gettin'? Chinese food?" He asked "no I'm getting thai food." I corrected "same thing." He said annoyed. this prick......"so what's good here?" He asked "I was just gonna get some take out from here, maybe some pork larb, it looks good." I say gently spinning my bag, behind Austin I see a spenders... I'mma check it out after getting food. I make a mental note. "What's that?" He asked again "it's a dish with seasoned pork mixed with some chili and veggies. You can wrap it in some lettuce and eat it with like that, or you can eat it with a side of rice. It's real good!" I say "hm." He hummed "what else is there?" He asked, again. I point to the big screen with all the food items "look for your damn self Austin." I say with a irritated look. "Oh? You remembered my name~?".... Are you fucking serious?
I rolled my eyes and turn away from him. Can't this line move any faster!? "Aww, c'mon now, I think it's really sweet you remember! We only just met and now you're already thinkin' about me? I'm flattered Y/n?" I only look at him with a tired look. "Look, Austin....i just wanna get my dinner and go home, I'm not in the mood to talk right now." I say "wow," he started "that's cold. But hey, I get it. You're just moody 'cause you're hungry. You said you're gettin' pork, right? Heh." Don't you dare... Don't know fucking dare... "Do ya like pork sausage too? If you ever wanna come over to MY place for dinner, I can show you a REAL good pork sausage." I blink at him. This god damn pervert. I turn back moving a bit in the line "Hey, it's rude to ignore someone when they're talkin' to ya." I continue him "......y/n." I say nothing. "You're being a stick in the mud, c'mon now. Tell ya what, how 'bout I give you my number? I already remember your address, I can pick you up any time you want just gimmie a call~" when is he gonna SHUT THE FUCK UP. I see him take a crusty napkin and a pen from his pocket, he writes down his number and hands it to me. "I'm good." I say "oh, I get it now." He said "you ain't much of a phone caller, huh? It's fine, I understand. How 'bout we just text? Or would you rather have me come over instead?" I keep ignore him in I give in, it's pretty clear this guy isn't gonna leave me alone, looks like I'll play along, even if it means feeding his already big ego... I snitch the napkin and push into my pocket. Hopefully this will shut up. "Ha! I knew you wanted me. I'll see you around Y/n. I'm not really in the mood for Chinese food." Finally that ugly creep is gone. It's finally my turn to get my food after grabbing it. After putting my things and food in my car I quickly head to the spenders and head to the back, when I used to be so shy going to the back but now not so much. I see a toy I thought was cute, it was a pink dildo covered in red hearts, I smile at it and grab it. I then head to the counter and pay the cashier smiled "it's a pretty good one" we make some small talk and I say goodbye to them and go to my car and drive away to my home

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