2: The Bar

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Barry's timing was perfect. He jumped on the plane right before Oliver was going to get off and no one noticed. Oliver made sure to mention it, and for once he wasn't being sarcastic when he said good job.
They decided to leave Ferris Air, where they'd landed, and wander around the city for a while. When that didn't work, they went back to the plane.
"Well, this was a bust," Oliver said, kicking one of the seats.
"Not completely!"
Oliver glared at Barry and sat down in one of the swivel chairs. Advantages of being stupid rich, you get swivel chairs on your private jet.
Oliver spun around as he complained loudly. "How could it not be? First, we haven't seen a single glimpse of the new super. Second, my usual suite at the Ritz is occupied. Third, I'm with you so I can't go out and get a girl!"
"I never said you couldn't go out."
"I know, but I'd be a bad friend if I went. Unless you came with me, that is." Oliver stopped spinning and looked up at Barry, who had been leaning on the pool table.
Barry sighed. He didn't really like night clubs, but he'd go if he had nothing better to do.
"Yes!" Oliver jumped up and grinned. "I knew I'd win that ten bucks!"
"Ten bucks?" Barry was confused.
"Oh, I bet Digle ten dollars I could get you to go out."
"Don't be such a wet napkin! Come on!"
And so it was that the two superheroes went out on the town, their mission of finding the mysterious Green Lantern forgotten the moment they left the jet.

/three hours later/

"I'm telling you, Bar, I'm /fiiiine/. I only had a *burp* couple drinks!" The six women seated around them giggled at Oliver and he smiled drunkenly.
"Ollie, you are not fine. We should really get you back to the jet." Barry was getting exasperated. This was why he never went to bars. First, he was incapable of feeling anything from the alcohol, and second Oliver was usually the only person to want to take him anywhere. He'd gone out with Caitlyn once. As friends. That hadn't ended well and Caitlyn had made him sing karaoke with her.
"I don't wanna go back to the jet," Oliver slurred. "Unless it's with one or more of these fine women."
Barry rolled his eyes. "Come on," he said, attempting to pull his friend off of his chair. He'd forgotten that Oliver was stronger than he was. It was all that damn bow slinging. Barry was pushed to the floor, where he hit his head hard.
"Hey!" came a voice from the bar. "You can't do that to him!"
A tall man with brown eyes and hair stood from his stool and walked over to them. He was wearing an aviator jacket with the name H. Jordan stitched to the front. Barry stood up quickly (AN: no, not *that* quickly), as their little scene was starting to draw attention.
"It's okay, we're friends," Barry started.
"Doesn't look like it," the man replied, staring at Oliver with extreme ferocity and clenching his fists.
Barry's mind went into overdrive. It was like he could see what was about to happen as his mind literally went at five hundred miles an hour.
Jordan was pulling Oliver out of his chair and into the air, punching him in the stomach. Barry didn't know why a complete stranger would act like that, protecting him, but he could tell that it would happen.
Barry moved before he could think of what he was doing. He took each of the men by the arm and dragged them out of the bar at super speed. He didn't care if someone saw, he needed to make sure no one got hurt. They stopped in the parking lot and Oliver threw up.
"What the /hell/ just happened?" The man with the aviator jacket was shaking his head.
"I uh..." Barry started.
"He saved my ass!" Oliver yelled, clinging to Barry's shirt for support. "I love you, man. I knew I shouldn't've gone out with out my arrows!" With that, Oliver collapsed onto Barry and passed out. Barry, who wasn't all that strong, stumbled under the sudden additional weight.
The man laughed then ran his hand through his hair. "Need some help?"
"Maybe," Barry struggled.
He laughed again and lifted Oliver so that he and Barry each had an arm around their shoulders.
"I'm Hal Jordan, by the way."
"Barry Allen. This is Oliver Queen."
"Good, now I can stop thinking of you as Blonde #1 and Blonde #2." There was a short silence as Barry led them back to Oliver's jet. Hal broke it. "Oliver Queen, huh?" Barry nodded. "Shit. Thanks for not letting me beat him up. I don't have the kind of money they'd fork out of me in a lawsuit."
Barry laughed. "They're not all bad. His mom is, but his sister can be okay when she tries."
"So are you from Starling, too?"
"No, Central City actually," Barry answered. He silently scolded himself. He'd just used his speed, given a complete stranger his name, and told him he was from Central City. He may as well have yelled I'M THE FLASH at the top of his lungs.
"That's where that fast guy is, right?"
"Uh, yeah."
Hal smirked. "Don't worry, I won't tell anybody. That is, as long as you don't tell anyone about me."
"What do you have?"
Hal pulled out a small green ring from his pocket. "A way to get this guy home faster."
"Me too, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only speedster in the universe."
Hal raised an eyebrow at the word, but didn't mention it. Instead, he said "Well I'm definitely not the only Green Lantern." The two stopped walking and Hal put on the ring. There was a flash of green light and suddenly Hal was wearing a green and black spandex suit with white boots and gloves. To top it off, he had a green mask over his eyes. "There's a whole corps."
Barry could hardly speak. He decided to not show his amazement at the fantastic trick when he did speak though, because he could tell that the guy already had an ego the size of Oliver's and didn't need to be inflated any further.
"Nice idea with the ring. Can I use that?"
"I don't see why not. Of course, you haven't seen the half of it."
"Hang on," Barry said, giving Oliver to Hal, "let me get mine."

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