1st Story: An Impressive Sight to Behold

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***A/N: Written for a friend who is an avid "Chreon" shipper.

I personally am not very familiar with Resident Evil except for the movies and gameplay I watch on YouTube, but these stories were unexpectedly fun to work it. Hopefully, I was able to somehow capture their characters and dynamics correctly. Please enjoy. ^^


The Division of Security Operations had borne witness to numerous calamities. Each disaster was no better than the last, the amount of blood spilled in every mission from its founding day in 2011 to this moment, if collected in a single place, would probably be enough to fill an entire lake, creating an actual "Red Sea" of its own. The sophisticated technology installed all over its headquarters and equipped on its members were simply tools of mass killings. Sometimes, one couldn't help but wonder if one of these days, the organization would bear witness to the apocalypse itself.

That said, when it was not in the middle of fighting a bioterrorist threat for once, the organization's headquarters actually looked relatively peaceful from the outside. If not for the iconic blue emblem adorned with a golden lion atop the star-spangled banner, ordinary people might not even see the difference between the DSO and other big companies out there, ones that conducted ordinary businesses that weren't related to some deadly viruses and an army of living corpses of various sizes and shapes.

Christopher Redfield passed through the security check at the entrance and took a step onto the DSO headquarters' brightly lit lobby. He was a big man, both in appearance and presence; when he was passing by, it was hard for others not to take notice of him. Perhaps it was merely a physical thing, perhaps it was due to the fact that he was among the rare few who had witnessed those numerous calamities and survived to tell the tale. His battle-hardened body and soul really did set him apart from ordinary people who likely hadn't seen more blood in their life than a cut on a finger, much less an entire town's worth of badly maimed zombies dripping blood and rotting flesh wherever they walked. Though nobody actually went out of their way to approach him, most people he passed by would throw at least a glance in his direction before resuming whatever they were doing at the moment.

But another reason why nobody wanted to approach him was perhaps because he had company by his side, one whose presence was no less attention-drawing than him.

"It's been a while since we last came here," Jill Valentine commented as she cast a look around, "I see they've renovated the old lobby and mezzanine floor. Do you think you still remember your way around, Chris?"

"We aren't here to have a tour. Why do I have to worry about forgetting my way around?" the man replied. Though his words were crude, it was clear to see that there were no hostilities shared between them, like a simple banter shared between two people who had known each other for a long time. "Besides, what's the use of the receptionist and security guards if they can't show a guest where they want to go?"

"You have a point. But it's quite rare for us to visit the DSO when there isn't an emergency mission going on. I'd say we take a little walk around after we finish what we came here to do. Who knows? Perhaps we'll come across some old friends, as well."

Jill's long hair from the past had been cut short; it was now hanging just a little above her neck. Still, it didn't reduce the image of a "strong beauty" as she was always known. In fact, this style only emphasized that image even further. She looked younger than her actual age; her figure was great, her physical aptitude was impeccable, and her instincts were sharp after being tempered in a "harsh environment" for so many years. Though a lot of people might be deterred by her status and background, a beauty was still a beauty nonetheless.

The two of them walking side by side like this across a busy lobby was a pleasant sight to the eyes. Other men might envy him for having such a gorgeous companion by his side, but unfortunately, Captain Chris Redfield was probably blind to the charm of the opposite sex in general. Otherwise, among all the known beauties who had once fought by his side, surely there would've been at least one or two that he'd wanted to pursue?

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