Argument in the court

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As Astarion was getting ready for the meeting, he turned to Lediana, "Just so you know, I think Namir and Regala have feelings for one another." Lediana had to think on that for a moment.  She looked at Astarion, "I am not surprised. One could feel the tension between them. What do you plan to do?" "I had no rule that the spawns could not get involved so all I had planned was give our blessing." He said as he put on his coat. "Any objections?" He asked. "Not at all. In fact maybe it will make Namir less uptight." Lediana remarked. Astarion chuckled, "You always know the right thing to say my love." He takes her arm as she finished dressing and escorts her to the audience chamber.

The Audience chamber was full of magistrates, lords and nobles of Baldur's Gate. With the news of Tiamat's return, the city has been on edge. Wyll was in between the audience, as he did not want to be at his usual seat. "Gentleman, Ladies, Lords and Magistrates." He begins, "I understand the cause for concern. The last time this cult came to Baldur's Gate, we lost a lot of lives. Not to mention, we are still recovering from the absolute. However, I called this meeting to review ideas on what to do about this cult." Caldwell stabds up, "Your highness, I propose, we let the beloved heroes of Baldur's gate handle this one. After all, you saved the city twice and fought the cult once. Why not be a savior again?" "I would only agree, if only the male heroes would go. A battlefield is not the placr for women." Su made a remark. He stood and looked at Caldwell directly. "And you keep your mouth shit. Your job as a magistrate is to do what those of noble blood tell you." Caldwell glared at him " Last I checked Su, we uphold the law of Baldur's Gate, not whatever you decide." Caldwell said as he had to slay his anger. "Perhaps, we should not talk more in front of the lady in the room." Su looked over at Lediana. "Besides, she should be home, waiting for her husband. Or can you not control your household Ancunin?" As he finished that sentence an apple got lodged at his head. He blew up. "WHO JUST THREW THAT?!" "Oh, sorry my friend, I forget Boo has good aim." Minsc with hos beloved hamster Boo walk in. Along with Jaheria, Shadowheart, Gale and Halsin. "More women... great." 

Su said sarcastically. Wyll held his hand up to him, "Lord Su, I asked them here because I feel their input is valuable. As heroes of Baldur's Gate, I felt their input would be needed." Wyll said. "Welcome friends." He said with a smile. "Gentlemen, any other ideas before we conclude?" Lord Danburry stands up. "I think besides Lord Su, I speak for the rest of the lords here that we trust you, Duke Ravenguard, to protect our fair city. Though, first we would need to find their hideout. Besides Su, we don't have that much of an army to protect the city."
Su stormed out of the chamber. Wyll signs, "Gentleman thank you. Let me talk to my friends here and I can let you know the plan." Wyll signals for Astarion and Lediana to follow him, along with the rest of his friends. The nobles and other Magistrates and lords remain seated while waiting on the Duke. Danburry however was angry. Lord Su was out of order. He makes a mental note to visit him later. He had a few choice words for Su.

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