Part 5 (Light smut)

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Lloyd's patience started to wane as he cleared his throat, "Are we going to get to the point anytime soon, Levinson?" His voice carried a hint of irritation and anticipation, echoing the collective desire for some clarity.

Ari, his ever-present charm still intact, replied with a sly smile, "I was just getting there, Lloyd. Patience is a virtue, as they say."

Ari reached into his bag, extracting a manila folder and handed it to you, his eyes darting around the room as he shared his findings. "Well, I dug into their past, and it turns out Steve and Bucky have been friends since childhood," he stated emphatically. His words hung in the air for a moment before he continued, "And get this, Steve has been in constant contact with Bucky ever since you left him. They've been talking frequently."

His revelation sent a chill down your spine, the realization that Steve and Bucky had been in close contact adding a new layer of complexity to the situation. Lloyd's grip tightened around you, and Andy leaned forward, his brow furrowing in concentration. Clearly, the mention of Bucky's involvement had piqued their interest.

Ari's voice turned solemn as he continued, "And here's where it gets interesting, Steve and Bucky have a history of sharing women. They've both had a habit of pursuing the same woman, often simultaneously."

The revelation hit you hard, and a wave of nausea washed over you. Your voice trembled as you uttered weakly, "Oh God, I think I'm going to be sick." Lloyd's grip on you tightened, and you could practically feel the tension in the room skyrocket. You exchanged a glance with Nick, both of you silently contemplating the implications of this revelation.

"Steady now, Sugar," Lloyd's voice carried a soothing tone, his touch offering a sense of stability. His arm wrapped protectively around you. You sunk into the cushions, still reeling from the sickening revelation, the pieces of the puzzle beginning to fall into place.

Ari's voice broke through the heavy silence, "Ah, and when I dug deeper, I discovered some interesting links to Tony Stark." The mention of Tony Stark immediately piqued everyone's attention.

"Tony is not only a significant finance partner in Steve's company but his wife, Pepper, runs a renowned charity dedicated to protecting and supporting abused women," Ari explained. The revelation of this connection sent shockwaves through the room, and you felt a shiver run down your spine.

"With Pepper Stark being highly vocal in the fight against domestic abuse and the wrong doings against women, your separation from Steve can undoubtedly get her attention." Ari added. The implications of this fact weighed heavily on the group, and the atmosphere grew more fraught as the web of connections became increasingly tangled.

Your voice trembled as you voiced your thoughts. "I can't believe this... Is Steve trying to save his reputation, just because he doesn't want to lose Tony as a finance partner?" The realization that Steve's motives might be driven by financial self-interest rather than genuine concern added a new layer of disappointment to the already tangled situation.

Ari shrugged nonchalantly, his expression hard to decipher. "The timing seems a bit convenient, doesn't it? I mean, considering the fact that Pepper Stark fights for domestic violence and other crimes for victims through her charity. Steve must have feared it would look bad when news of your separation spreads."

His words left a bitter taste in your mouth, confirming your suspicions.

Ari's voice deepened as he considered the situation further. "There's something else to consider, though. We only have half the picture here because Bucky's involvement complicates things. We can't be sure if Steve's primary motivation is saving his reputation or if there's something else at play."

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