
499 36 5

{ Leehan }

I read through the paper for the sixth

time and looked up to the guy who was casually looking around my room with a blank face.

Is he disgusted or is he amused?

Nobody can tell. Start to end. Same
expression. And this poker face is
asking me to sign a real wedding
contract with him.

Not just that... In exchange for marrying him, he is giving me a villa, a Ferrari, and 1 million per month allowance.

Which is alone more than how much I
can earn driving a cab for the next three lives with increased cab rates and skyrocketing fuel prices.

The contract is also simple. I have
to marry him and he will give me
everything I need. All I need to do is to
stay with him and act as his husband in front of the world. Nobody should be suspecting that we are not together.

"Ummm... Mr. AT.." He glared at me..

Crap! What was his name again? The
news said... Oh yes..

"Mr. Taesan. You know that if we marry now then it won't be like it was earlier. Same sex marriages are now legal. We will be.considered legally married. Like you will be my husband and I will be your.."

What will I be? Wife? No... Of
Course not. What the hell!

"Husband?" he finished my sentence
for me. "Yeah so let's get married for real."

He said again without any expressions.

"What the fuck! Is he suddenly in love
with me?" I muttered annoyed.

"Not really." He replied calmly. "I have
my reasons to sign this with you." He said again.

"Look...I don't care about your
reasons. I am not interested. I wasn't
even planning to ask for dowry for

"I am not asking you. I am telling you." He said now pressing his tone on me.

I got up, annoyed and massaged my
temple annoyed once.

"Ok. Get up and dance Gangnam style."

"Huh?" His face finally flickered with

"Cmon, get up and dance."

"Why will I do that?" He looked at me
with disbelief.

I sat in front of him in the same posture crossing one leg over the other and keeping one hand over the couch back.

"I am not asking you. I am telling you." I said looking into his eyes with a poker face.

He smirked once and then went back
to his poker face.

"This is exactly why you are perfect for this role." He said now leaning towards the table.

Role? Role of what? Role of being his

"Stop spouting bullshit and leave my house now. There the gate is in brown color in the white wall. I am giving you instructions just in case you
can't see it already." I said getting up
and pointing towards the door.

𝑨𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 Where stories live. Discover now