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Phoebe was leaning her back on a maroon Porsche when I saw her.


Her face briefly darted upwards before she tightened the hug around herself, head hidden under the grey hood.

I almost smiled at how cute she looked, but remembered that that wasn't what I was supposed to be lingering on. It was the discernable hint of sadness mixed with anger on her face. She also appeared like she could use some solitude time, and despite my desire to provide that, I had an apology to make. So I slowly settled next to her, leaning my back on the car like she did.

"I'm sorry about what Tiva said."

It hurt that my best friend was the one who ruined Phoebe's day.

"Don't apologize for her." Phoebe's voice sounded like she was using all of her strength not to burst into tears.

I wished Dativa was the one to apologize, but I knew she would be reluctant about it. Maybe more than just reluctant. My best friend's pride was apparently too huge, and perhaps even surmounting the secret yearning to cure myself.

"I'm sorry." I moved in front of her, not able to hold myself back. I've never experienced such a profound sense of despair from witnessing someone else's emotional turmoil. But again, it was Phoebe. She had that effect on me. "I'm sorry she talked like that. I didn't–"

"Sshh." Phoebe took my hand in hers but still avoided facing me. "It's fine."

She didn't seem fine. I could sense she was simply trying to pretend to be calm for my sake.

"It's not the first time someone spoke to me that way," she added vaguely. "Besides, the rumors about my father are true, anyway."

She could shrug it off, but there was an uncomfortable weight in the air. Intense and prominent. It sickened me more that I didn't know how to extirpate it.

"But that's him, not you." I squeezed her fingers. "I know you're not like him."

"What if I am?"

I tipped her chin up to look at me, riveted at how some of her hair fell over her face and almost successfully hid the glitter of tears in her gorgeous eyes.

Phoebe tried to turn away, but when I didn't give up, she gave in to my stare.
A teardrop slipped from her right eye and I watched it as it slowly travelled down to the tip of her chin before dripping over my thumb.

"I know you're not." I marked before kissing her tears away.

"You trust me too much–"

"That's not the point." I cupped her face. "It's the fact that you have a good heart."

"How do you even know that?"

"Because I can feel it. And it shows." I pecked her lips and felt her smile. "It's in your eyes, Phoebe."

"Averista–" Phoebe's hands clutched on my arms as if to hold me back, her sharp nails digging a sweet pain under my skin. "We're in a public space."

I didn't say anything at that and it took two more kisses on her jaw for her to give in to me again. I smiled when she finally put her arms around me.

"Let's get out of here then," I murmured.

"Good idea." She was still smiling, and I wished she could do just that. "I have somewhere in mind."

"Sweet. What's the plan?"

"A date." Out of nowhere, she dangled a pair of car keys before my eyes. Well, at least I shrivelled down her sombre mood a bit. "In my third favorite place."

"Oh." I adored the cheeky smile on her face. "I need to see the complete list of all your favorite places right now."

"My second favorite place is that meadow you took me to."

Phoebe moved and courteously ushered me towards the driver's seat after opening the car door.

"Wait, is this car–"

"It's Nory's. So don't worry about driving it carefully. Ruining her life is my job and vice versa."

I held back a laugh at that. Ruining one's life was every best friend's job, in fact. Although I could never fathom Phoebe and Noreen's hate-love relationship. It was a sort of silly fiasco that I didn't want a part in unless coerced to.

Phoebe closed the door for me and sauntered to the passenger's side.

"And mind telling me what's your first favorite place?" I asked once she popped in next to me. She looked too good in my hoodie. I wanted her to keep it.

She fastened her seat belt before replying.

"That's until we get there, wildflowers."

And that's it. I didn't need anybody else's permission to do anything as the blonde queen explained the directions to me. Whatever place she wanted me to take her to, I knew I would do it without thinking.

I disliked being under someone's thumb. However, there was a certain delight in the way Phoebe assumed authority over my actions. Despite that her sudden urge to leave the place was a poignant reminder of the pain she felt after what happened with Dativa and I abhorred that.

To atone for my best friend's behavior, I would willingly burn the world into shards if Phoebe asked me to. All just to make it up to her.

My hands were on the steering wheel, but in a way, she was the one driving.



It's three days until Halloween 🎃 which is my third favourite holiday💛

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