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It was dark when I opened my eyes.

A freezing sensation took hold of my insides, and the moment I attempted to move, I felt a restraining force. My wrists and feet were bound to a block behind my back.

Why was it so dark? Where was I?–Where was Phoebe? My dreams had never felt this real, so I doubted if this was one.

"Phoebe?" I struggled to pull my hands off from whatever that tied me back, but failed.

Too tight. Too hard. What was happening? Why were my hands locked in like this?

Phoebe  . . . I needed Phoebe.

Deafening silence filled the space, and for the longest while, I remained in the dark. Cuffed, strained, blind.

                                  * * *

I was unsure if the darkness had reduced a tad or was it just my eyes adjusting to it.

Something moved in the dark, a door creaked.

The floor reverberated with three loud thumps.

"Hello?" I called out.

No answer.

"Anybody there?" I called again. "Hello?"

My limbs had fallen into a slumber, and I could feel the scrapes etched on them from the countless times I twisted from the metal chains.

The lights flickered on. I closed my eyes on the instant, hurt from the sudden brightness. When I opened them again, the secret laboratory came to life. And my skin shivered when I took notice of the vivarium I was locked in.

"Well well well . . . Look what we have here."

I knew that voice.

Right there before my eyes stood none other than the man from my worst nightmares—McQuinn himself. Fair heightened, grey eyes, a stubble on his chin, and of course, a neat freak in a suit. All I wanted to do was spit on his damn face.

"You." I grimaced.

I felt confused, afraid, and overwhelmed at the same time.

Why hasn't this nightmare ended yet? I had a feeling that it had just began, and it took everything not to barf at that.

Please no.

"Bratty bratty bratty," the man spoke in a sing-song tone, like I was the same little kid he met back in the day. "Isn't it wonderful to see your charming face again? Maybe you can finally re-make that first impression."

Charming face my foot–What in the heavenly fuck was going on?

"Where's Phoebe?" That was all I could think about. Because last time I checked, she was the one with me. Not him.

"Oh," the man chuckled. Of course, he was amused that his daughter was all I needed right now. The oblivious scientist. "Missing your little lover already?"

I didn't miss–No. Yes, I did. But that was besides the point. I needed somebody to tell me where she was and that she was perfectly fine! That was all.

McQuinn sauntered towards the counter and washed his hands.

No, no, no. This couldn't be happening–

"Life's not fair, is it?" He nonchalantly marked in a casual tone that was filled with wit and delight. "That some people are powerful. And some . . . rags over the dust. Like you."

I almost gagged at his little initiation for a chit-chat.

I despised the slowness of his speech and the calmness of his manners. He behaved like everything was easy for him, and like this was a regular day in his unhinged life. Of-fucking-course it was. Except that today was his blessing. A very big blessing that had my stomach churning and my breathing failing.

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