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Double update❤️ You're welcome=)
On that note, let me know what you think of the new cover!


'Betrayal tastes divine on the victim's tongue.
It is a glass of wine with its crafter's special touch.
A flick of a magical wand, a change you do not see coming. A drop of a mask.
Sudden, intrusive, heart damaging.
Betrayal tastes like wine.'

Watching Averista's emotions writhe like that sent an unnameable burn in my spine, and it had nothing to do with pity.

It's like in every passing second, she kept on losing feathers. Or more like scales on her case. And I caused it. I was as ruthless as my father; I figured. The only thing I didn't have in common with my bloodline was my dislike of every single thing about this. I found no pleasure in hurting others. I was simply my father's compliant daughter. Solely running for my crown.

I almost wanted to stop and tell her that the pressure was real. That it's all actually happening, not some silly dream in her sleep. I wanted to tell her that it was all a deception, but . . . was it?

This was the ending. The fall.

I hated that it had to be her.

Averista Msafiri.

In all her unwavering serpentine splendor. She was still a glowing gem before my blind eyes, as if she wasn't at her worst. As if she hadn't just been pushed below rock bottom . . . by nobody but me.

She should've known better than to call me her lover. And maybe I should've known better than to make her mine.

She wasn't like the other snakes. The pets. She wasn't like those other creepers.

Because I knew how every single one of those felt in my hands, but she was the only one whose venom I tasted.

Divine. Like wine.

Averista's love had risen me up from the dead, much to my dismay. But the more that I had of her, the more that I took, and the more that I gave away. So I left.

I walked right out of the damn lab like I didn't know the girl behind Medusa's eyes, calling for me to set her free. Begging for me to say the truth to her.

My unshed tears slowly morphed into more anger as I strutted out, up the creaking stairs, and into the corridor.

I threw the gun away and walked faster.

"Start the car, Kendrick." I sent a stern command once I reached the living room and passed by the standing bodyguard.

"Yes, Ma'am." His response, immediate.

My feet led the way out, my ears ignoring Kendrick's incessant inquiries about what I was up to. He gave up and simply rushed to help me down the stairs.

He opened the door for me and I climbed in.

"To the auction hall, I presume?"

Kendrick closed the door forthwith, sensing my desperate need to get out of the damn place asap.

I only remembered to reply once I heard him take the driver's seat.

"Yes, Kendrick."

   * * *


That's who I was thinking about the entire ride.

I clutched hard onto my cane as I slipped through a corner in the backstage of the auction hall.

The memory of kissing Averista on a certain backstage waded in and I immediately felt sick to my stomach. I forced the thoughts away and tried to focus on the matter at hand. My watch dinged on cue, marking it 8pm. The time we agreed to meet.

Five minutes later, I heard the tapping of heels over the tiles.

"Phoebe?" Noreen's voice called.

That was it. That's all I needed to hear before the tears slipped from my eyes.

Noreen rushed forth and did the last thing in my mind.

She hugged me.

I bursted into sobs on her shoulder. I couldn't remember a time when I hated myself this much.

"There, there." Noreen murmured, patting the back of my head. "It's okay, Phebes. It's okay."

Nothing was okay.

My tears didn't stop. No matter how much I tried to push them back, no matter how many times Noreen wiped them away with her hankerchief.

She didn't run off. Like how I expected her to once she saw my horrible self.

"Sshh," she patted my back. "It's okay. You did what you had to do, bestie."

"I'm a wreck. I'm a fucking train wreck, Nory."

Noreen didn't reply to that, and I could tell she agreed with it. I mean, who wouldn't?

Fifteen back pats later, I sniffed for the last time, and Noreen wiped my face for the last time.

She motioned towards the floor and I didn't hesitate to sit down with her. My state of mind didn't care of how elegant we were meant to look, we could worry about that afterward. For now, I let my best friend stretch her legs and place my head on her warm lap.

"So um–" Noreen's fingers pushed strands of my hair to the back of my ear in a slow, comforting manner as she spoke. "Me and my girlfriend actually came up with an idea to save Avery."


"You did? Wait–you have a girlfriend?" I had never been awestruck and confused at the same time.

"Well . . ." I could tell she was blushing just from the mere tone of her voice. "Not exactly–I mean, she's yet to be. I'm kind of like manifesting her, y'know. That kinda thing."

I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. Who would've thought how adorable it would be to witness Noreen Clarisse chasing on someone? I didn't know how to put my feelings into words, as much as I died to voice them out.

"Wow. Um–I'm proud of you?" I searched for the right words to say. "Sorry–I–I'm just not used to have a real best friend. It's my first time and I really don't wanna say something that will ruin it. Anyway, I wish you all the luck with whoever that lucky person is. Go for it."

Was I being too honest?

Something about Noreen lightened up at my words. I could feel it in her breathing. Wait–Did I just refer to her as my best friend now? Shit. Who would've thought.

"It's okay. I have no idea how to do this either." She lightly fiddled with my earrings, reminding me that we were both nothing but two spoiled brats who lived from feeding off of the weak and technically felt too awkward being this kind to each other. "But all you have to do is root for me. That's how it works, I think."

I managed a faint smile for her, and she took my hand, intertwining our fingers.

A best friend.

I have a best friend. A real one.

And she was going to help me.

"Thank you." I whispered in advance.

How can I be sure that I was going to walk out of this chaos alive to thank her?

"Don't say it," Noreen tightened our hand hold. "It's what friends are for."

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