It's a month later, and everyone finally arrives home to the fantasy factory.
Each person is carrying in their bags into the factory.
Chanel sets her bags down, and gets a sick feeling deep down in her stomach like she is about to throw up.
She figures that it was probably all of the shrimp that she ate the night before she came back home to the factory.
She ignores the feeling, and heads down to her office.
Rob comes into Chanel's office later on.
"Hey." he said
"Hey Rob." said Chanel.
"You alright? You don't sound too good." asked Rob concerned about Chanel
"I don't know but- (the sickness grew worse) Oh no. Hang on a second." said Chanel dashing out of the office and into one of the bathrooms next door.
She throws up and still feels miserable.
She comes back into her office and sits down in her chair.
"What happened?" Rob asked standing by her desk.
" I had to throw up. It was super gross and I still feel awful." said Chanel
"Ah that sucks. Here come here I know what will make you feel better." said Rob
"What?" Chanel asked walking over to Rob.
Rob throws his arms around Chanel and hugs her.
"Thanks. I sortof needed that." said Chanel
"No problem. Anything for a good friend of mine." said Rob
1 hour later, Chanel was just browsing the internet looking up pregnancy symptoms.
She realized she had experienced some of the symptoms recently.
She wants to be cautious, so she runs to the store for a minute.
She picks up a few pregnancy tests and a few other things that she needed too.
When she comes back to the factory, Drama walks by her.
"Hey where did you just go?" asked Drama
"Um to the store to pick up some stuff that I needed." she said
"Like what?" asked Drama
Chanel hesitated a little bit in replying to Drama's question.
"Well I ran out of some stuff for my hair and makeup so yeah that's what I got." said Chanel trying not to let Drama find out about her pregnancy tests.
"Oh. Cool" said Drama walking back into his office.
"Thank god. That was a close one." Chanel thought to herself while heading to the bathroom.
She read the instructions on the box, and tested them out.
"Okay so all I have to do is wait for the results to show up." she said to herself.
After waiting and waiting, she picked up the tests and her heart nearly dropped down to the floor at what she saw.