Owens Drama

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At platform 9/3 everyone was getting on the train to go to Hogwarts for the start of the next year. Rachel and George find each other fairly quick. They look around for Owen for a bit but can't find him so they decide to go take a seat as he will probably get them in the hall at hogwarts. Later on when they arrive at Hogwarts Rachel and George are sitting at the Gryffindor table in the hall as the first years get sorted into their houses. Rachel looks up at George "I wonder where Owen is?" George is just as confused as Rachel says "Yeah I have no idea he barely wrote over the summer, hope he's alright". Rachel is now a bit worried as she didn't get many letters from either and Owen always writes to George a fair bit. "You don't think he decided not to come, do you?" She asks George. George was looking around the hall when his eyes landed on Owen, sounding confused he said "He's definitely here". Rachel follows George's line of sight and see's Owen sitting over at the Slytherin table and he's wearing a Slytherin robe. 'What is going on?' Rachel thinks to herself. She then looks beside Owen looking at the girl who he was talking to. "Hey George, do you know who is sitting next to him?" He looks at the girl and nods "Yeah I think her name is Niamh, I wonder how they know each other?" The rest of the dinner they both were quiet trying to figure why Owen is now suddenly a Slytherin.

Up in the Gryfindor common rooms they sit quiet for a bit when George breaks the silence, "i'm going to talk to him tomorrow and try find out what's going on" Rachel looks up at him "Alright well let me know if you find out anything at dinner tomorrow because i'm mobbed with classes" George looks at her like she's crazy "Already it's only the first day of classes?!" She smiles "Yeah, you know me. I keep busy" He shook his head at her smiling secretly admiring her "your crazy" She rolls her eyes giggling while putting a bit of hair behind her ear "shut up" she says to him. They say goodnight and go up to their rooms for the night. The next day on his break George goes looking for Owen, he finds him sitting under a tree with a bunch of Slytherins. He shouts him over "Owen, come here for a minute". Owen gets up and comes over "hey George, What's happening?" George looks at him like he's mental "How can you act like nothing has happened?! How are you in Slytherin now? Also how do you know Niamh you never mentioned her before" Owen just shrugs "I just am, i don't have to tell you anything" George becomes furious at this answer "what the hell man, i thought we were best mates?! You would tell me everything!" Owen just looked at him annoyed "Yeah well shit happens"

At this point Niamh had come out seeing them talking then shouts over "Owen come on, we gotta get going to class" Owen waves to George as he starts to walk away from him "cya". George, in shock, stands for a minute then he starts to go around asking about Owen and Niamh. Owen catches up to Niamh and they head to class together. "I still can't believe that we met up again" Niamh says to Owen. "yeah that was a pretty fun summer, still pissed at my parents though for moving me away" He says as he wraps an arm around Niamh's shoulders and kisses her head.

6 Years Ago

It was a beautiful summer, Owen and Niamh have just met. They ended up spending every day together. One day Owen took Niamh to the beach. They had an amazing day. As the sun was setting Owen took Niamh by the hand "Niamh" he says as he looks into her beautiful blue eyes and asks "Will you be mine?" Niamh speechless she starts to nod "Yes!!" She jumps into his arms hugging him as they lose balance and fall together laughing. They were inseparable from there, until one day when outside of Owens house as Niamh was going to get him, there was a moving van. Niamh was so confused, she had no idea what was going on. "Owen!?" She shouts. There was no answer. Owen's parents had already taken Owen earlier that morning. Niamh was left confused and heartbroken. OWen never knew what was going on, he had only found out that morning about the move and his parents didn't let him have a say in it whatsoever. He HATED that his parents made him leave without even letting him explain to Niamh, he didn't even get to say goodbye.

Present Time

Later that night at dinner George goes and sits with Rachel and explains what happened and what he had heard from others. "So we now know how OWen and Niamh know each other, which to be honest is cute but we still don't know why he now is a Slytherin" Rachel says. George sorting his plate "There is also something different about him, something must have happened last summer". Rachel nods. "Why don't we go talk to him together next time?" George shakes his head "Nope, he can come apologise to me for being an asshole to me earlier before i talk to him" Rachel sighs "Alright i'll talk to him then" They have dinner then head to the library to study. They go to a table in a quiet corner. Rachel is going over stuff for her classes and George is studying potions. He keeps taking small glances up from his books getting distracted admiring Rachel's smarts and beauty. "Hey Rachel, can you explain what this potion is, i'm clueless" Rachel smiles and leans over to him as she starts explaining George is completely distracted and starts to play with her hair. She stops and looks up at him "George? What are you doing" she smiles, then he says "you are so beautiful" She then starts to blush, did the guy she likes really just call her beautiful. She then says "You're not too bad yourself" they laugh quietly together. He smiles at her then asks, "Rachel, will you be my girlfriend?" Rachel smiles brightly "about time!" she suddenly pulls him close, kissing him.

A few days later Rachel has a break from her classes as she's already ahead. She decides to see if she can find Owen. She finds him sitting by himself out by a tree near the quidditch pitch. She goes and sits down beside him. "Hey Owen, how are you?" she says trying to start a conversation. "Fine," he says, not even looking at her. "Did something happen during the summer?" She asks. He sighs and looks towards her, "Yeah" Rachel looking a bit worried, looking up at the sky "What happened?" Owen leaned his head back on the tree "There was a girl, she got into some trouble and I tried to help. Thought i could calm the situation down a bit and well I got stabbed and whipped with a belt, so i ended up in hospital most of the summer" Rachel looks at him shocked her eyes widened "Oh my god! Are you ok now?!" he nods "Yeah. Just a few scars but I'm back better, badder and stronger than ever" Rachel is a bit reluctant but asks "So Slytherine, How?" Owen shrugs "I just talked to Dumbledore, that's all you need to know". Rachel reaches over and hugs him "I'm glad you're ok Owen, but don't be a stranger!" Owen laughs a bit "ok, ok" he says. Rachel looks at the time "Shit! I have a class!! I'll see you later!!" She runs off and Owen just shakes his head laughing at her.

Later in the common room Rachel explains everything to George. "Shit" He says. "Yeah so tomorrow we BOTH are going to go see him" She says. George nods "Alright". The next day George and Rachel went to see Owen who was with Niamh. Owen introduced them all to each other then the three caught up. From that day on the four were always hanging out together. Niamh and Rachel also became best friends.

What will happen next for the four? What happened to Vin?

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