chapter one: into the ring

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When people who help out are called heroes, do they even know what is happening? What are the consequences? Did Matt know what he was doing in the spur of the moment? Everyone called him a hero, that he was so brave for pushing him out of the way.

But if Matt knew the consequences, would he have done it? 

Sitting there, lying in the hospital bed, he finally regains consciousness, and lifts his head up in curiosity. Only to find that he can no longer see, it's just a pitch black void. 

"I can't see." He calls out, hoping someone is there to hear him. 

"I know buddy, you were in an accident. You have chemicals in your eyes." His head perks up when he hears his dad's voice, which also makes him more panicked, because he can't see his dad. What if this is permanent? 

"I can't see!" He cries now, thinking about all the things he can't do now, watching movies, reading, and watching his dad box. How is he supposed to be a boxer when he is blind? 

Matt claws at his eyes, like maybe he can pry them open, or make him see again. What if this was a really bad dream?

But as his nails sting the skin around his eye, he realized it is not a dream. He can no longer see, and he has to live like that for the rest of his life.  


Present day

He grips onto his stick, walking around the sidewalk. People move out of the way for him, but casually bump into the girl, who is running up to catch up to the two adults. Her brown hair is flying back from her face, and she has a grin on her face. 

"Adrianna, you need to catch up." Matt says.

"Oh, full name, you're in trouble." Foggy teases. Addy sticks her tonuge put and runs up to Matt, taking his free hand into hers.

Matt smiles at this gesture, and always has when his daughter snuggled up to him on the couch or hugged him, and saying hello. Being a single dad isn't easy, but he has the best daughter, so it makes up for all the debt, the constant late nights. Matt can't see her smile, but multiple times he has asked Foggy what it looks like, and to describe it for him. From what he heard, it looks like a ray of sunshine on a rainy day.

Matt senses a person stopping in front of him, and stops.

"Hello, Brett." Foggy greets the officer. "How's your mom?"

"Nelson, I know you have been sneaking my mom cigarettes. She has been in a much better mood lately. Stop it Foggy." Officer Brett says.

"Well, that's too bad, cause I was about to hand-deliver a fresh load of these." Foggy said, holding up a bag of cigarettes.

"I'll take them, but no more Foggy. I mean it." He says, pointing to him. Then he looks down at Addy. "Hey there, Addy."

"Hi." She says, still gripping her dad's hand.

"Well, we better get going so we won't be late for our meeting, right Foggy?" Matt tells him, hinting that if they don't leave now they are going to be late.

"See you Brett." Foggy bids his friend goodbye.

"See you Nelson." Brett returns.


In the office space, Addy lets go of Matt's hands, and runs into the office. The real estate agent shows the adults around the office space. Addy continues to run around, until she runs into a door frame. Her seeing isn't the best, and she can't wear contacts. She doesn't like glasses either, so her dad has to hold her hand for her to be able to walk around.

Matt comes towards her, and pulls her into a hug. He checks for a bruise on her head, and can see one already forming just above her eyebrow.

"I know baby, it's okay." Matt says, stroking her hair as she starts to calm down. "You okay?" He asks, kissing her forehead. 

Addy nods, and slowly rubs her head.

"Well, Matt and I are going to take it." Foggy declares. 

"Fantastic, I'll just have you sign the papers here....." The real estate agent drones on and on about insurance and money, but Matt is already envisioning the office. A secretary, they have to hire when they get enough money to pay them. Her desk will be in the front, facing the door. They will put chairs around there, and the coffee and bagels will be in the little nook in the corner. Matt and Foggy's office will be to the left. He can see it all. Matt smiles to himself, giving himself a moment to relish in his happiness. 

As the real estate agent leaves, Foggy drops his bag and walks around the place, taking in everything. 

"Now," Foggy says. "All we need is clients."


Matt notices a girl screaming, in the building below his feet. He jumps down, and lands on the balcony. He opens the window, and quietly slips into the apartment.

The guy who is attacking the woman, is completely oblivious he is in the room, and advances toward the woman, screaming on the floor. Matt grabs his arm, but this guy is quick. He twists around and tries to stab Matt, but he dodges the attack and starts punching this man. They both fight, but eventually the man gives in and gets knocked out by Matt. 

He leaves before the woman gets a chance to see him, but she knows that it was the man in black that saved her.

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