𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞

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This was a daring plan involving a homemade hot air balloon. Four friends living inside of East Germany, attempt to float over the infamous Berlin Wall of East Germany, and then to freedom during the Cold War era.

They were Eric, Hans, Heidi and Helga.

Eric and Heidi Schmidt is a married couple that share a common dream with their dear friends, Hans and Helga Addleman.

They are all determined to escape the horror of East Berlin. "No matter what!" Erected on the 13th of August 1961, The Wall divided Berlin for 28 years during the Cold War and claimed the lives of, as official records currently state, 140 people, until its fall on the 9th November 1989.

What started as a ramshackle border fence, comprising mostly of barbed wire and concrete posts, would be continually expanded into a 157-kilometre long fortress consisting of two walls with an armoured


Called, 'The Death Strip.'

Unlike the no-mans land of the First World War, the control zone of the Berlin Wall was entirely in the territory of one power

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Unlike the no-mans land of the First World War, the control zone of the Berlin Wall was entirely in the territory of one power.

- East Germany - a country determined to stop the endless flow of desperate citizens escaping West across its borders - using lethal force if necessary.

Those East Germans who attempted to cross The Wall were risking their lives to do so. And as the fortifications became higher and broader, so did the methods of escape employed to best the barrier become more daring and creative.

Eric, Hans, Heidi, and Helga were four friends living in East Berlin who were determined to escape to the West. They had grown tired of the oppressive regime and the lack of freedom.

They dreamed of starting a new life where they could have much greater opportunities and to live without fear.

Eric started to do research on hot air balloons.

He learned about the different types of balloons, but he knew he needed the raw materials to build one, and the skills required to fly one. He decided to visit a library in East Berlin, where he found some books on hot air balloons.

He borrowed them and took them home, hiding them under his coat. He studied them carefully, taking notes and making sketches.

And then learned that he would need a large envelope made of nylon or polyester, a basket or gondola, a burner, a fuel tank, and some ropes and cables.

He also learned how to control the hot air balloon's altitude and direction by adjusting the temperature of the air down inside the envelope. He shared his findings with Hans and Helga, who agreed to help him with the project.

They also recruited Heidi, Eric's wife, who was also eager to escape. They knew they had to be very careful and secretive, as they could be arrested or shot if they were caught.

They also knew they had to work fast, as they did not know how long the Wall would stand.

Deciding to use their own money and savings to buy the materials they needed.

They had also scavenged some items from junkyards and abandoned buildings. They hid their various purchases and things in their basements, attics, and closets.

Eric... "Did you guys know that on December 5th,1961, at the german Albrechtshof border station. A twenty seven year man called Harry Dieterling was an engine driver who was bound and determined to escape."

He escaped by smashing a scheduled passenger train through barriers at the Albrechtshof border station into the West Berlin district of Spandau.

Throughout the latter portion of 1961, he had been recruiting people to ride what he called 'the last train to freedom'. In total there were 32 people on board - 7 of whom were members of Dieterling's family - pressed to the floor of the carriage as it careened toward the Berlin Wall.

When the train finally screeched to a halt, no one was injured and most inside were jubilant. Most, but not all.

The train's conductor and seven other german passengers had known nothing of Dieterling's plans and immediately returned to the East on foot.

Hans..."Wow, what an incredible story!"

Eric..."Yes, and if he could do it, so can we." So, Hans, Eric, Heidi, and Helga worked on their balloon for several weeks, using every spare moment they had.

They sewed the envelope together, using different colors of fabric to create a patchwork design.

They built the basket from wicker and wood, and then bought a propane burner and a fuel tank from a black market dealer.

Attaching the ropes and cables to the envelope and the basket. The burner and the fuel tank were then installed. They had also made some sandbags to use as ballast.

Testing their balloon in a secluded field at night, making sure no one saw them. They were thrilled when they saw their balloon inflate and rise into the air.

So, practicing flying it for a few minutes, they then quickly deflated it and packed it away. Having decided to make their escape attempt on a clear and calm night, when the wind was blowing towards the West.

A spot had been chosen near the Wall, where they could launch their balloon without being noticed by the guards or the


Waiting for the right night, it was a godsend when it came, they loaded their balloon and their belongings into a truck and drove to the launch site.

Pretending to be farmers delivering produce, they wore hats and scarves to conceal their faces.

They arrived at the site and quickly unloaded their balloon.

Inflated it and climbed into the basket. Then cut the ropes that tied them to the ground and lifted off.

Eric: "We did it! We finally finished our balloon!"

Heidi: "It looks amazing! I love the patchwork design of the envelope. It's so colorful and unique."

Helga: "And the basket is sturdy and spacious. I think we can fit all of our belongings in it."

Hans: "The burner and the fuel tank are working perfectly. We should have enough propane to fly for a long time."

Hans: "Yes, let's go to that field we found. It's secluded and dark. No one will see us there."

Eric: "No we need to conserve fuel until the night we leave. Let's pack up.

Helga: "But we have to be careful. We don't want anyone to notice us or follow us."

Eric: "Don't worry, we have a cover story. We are farmers delivering produce. We have hats and scarves to hide our faces."

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