chap 15 - true feelings

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niko and april were okay. they hadn't been okay in while, but they were now.

niko and april were done fighting, they were done the unspoken silence between them. they were back to being how they were, how they always were

they were back to being like how they were the day they first met in that starbucks driveway.

if you asked anyone they were just best friends, and they would insist they were even after someone would raise their eyebrow almost to say 'are you sure?'

it was supposed to be april and sharky that had something going on. they were supposed to be the ones who apparently had feelings for eachother, well that was what it had appeared to look like, but some fans would still argue and now, it was even more intensified that niko and april should be together and they had so much chemistry

the two had received multiple comments and messaged saying they should be together, it had cooled down after they had first met considering they then started fighting and wouldnt speak to one another in videos, but now since april and niko were as close as ever, the messages and comments had came back and they were almost intensified

april would often visit aj's apartment not only to meet him now, but to also meet niko. the three would spend hours together often resulting in april staying the night. niko and april were most of the time always together. after shoots and before them and between breaks you would catch them talking just them two so immersed in conversation.

in videos, most of the time they were partners and when they had done something right or gotten a point they wouldn't hesitate to jump into eachothers arms and celebrate together

april spent more and more time with the beta squad and when she was, whenever they'd go to restaurants, her and niko would sit together, walking down the street her and niko would walk beside each other while everyone else was in front

no matter the amount of time they spent together, even when their hands or legs would slightly graze they'd jerk their hand or leg away and instantly go red

even time spent apart they would be on a call or facetime, yet if anyone asked them what was going on between them it was always the same 'were just best friends'

april and aj still spent a lot of time together, whenever they could, it was just aj got so caught up with work and streams they couldn't hang out as often, that was what pushed april and niko to hang out more together in the first place

april still spent time with sharky. whether it was 'nights out' just them two, in fancy restaurants. or they would just hang out at each others apartment and would order food in

it was silently agreed everywhere, that april and sharky had a thing. her and sharky never actually discussed it but they would both assume that their 'going out just them two' were in fact dates. it was just never said aloud but it was silently agreed.

she liked sharky, she really did. but she never let herself think about how much she did in fact like him. she just accepted the fact that the she was supposed to really like him. she didn't know if she did like him that way, but she ran with it. she accepted it

sharky was a great guy, and she probably did like him like that. why wouldn't she?

whenever april would find herself scrolling through social media, she'd always find herself coming across the occasional edit

she always found herself rewatching and smiling to the edits of her and niko.

most of the time the clip of niko and april celebrating together was used. it was when they were all filming 'catchphrase' where they watched a clip and had to guess what the catchphrase was

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