chap 6 - hide and seek

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'man they love her' chunkz said with awe in his voice. 'are none of you guys seeing this? id say wallahi half our comments are saying how much they love her' chunkz let out breathlessly continuing to scroll on his phone

the boys all shuffled around chunkz fighting to get a glance of his phone, all except niko.

'we need to get her on another video, if its anything like the last one with her we could get a banger' aj said with the rest of them nodding their heads and agreeing 

niko wasn't really paying attention. he had heard the word 'april' and had tried to tune it out. why should he care about april? why should he be focused on april when he had a girlfriend? so nikos plan to stop thinking about her, was to just pretend like she didnt exist 

'oy niko you listening?' aj questioned. nikos head shot up at the sound of his name 'do you think you could get april on another video, you guys seemed are friends.' 

nikos face dropped. he didn't want april on the video. he didn't want to text her. this was not part of the plan 

'i- i like don't really know-  like were not like that like good of friends' niko stuttered 

before any of the boys even tried to answer that niko started to leave the room 'i've got to call sophie'

niko didn't need to call sophie he just wanted to. he missed her and he was a devoted boyfriend

'hey niko!' sophie quipped up on the other end of the line. niko thought the sound of sophies voice would help forget about the sound of aprils, but it didn't.


april was just walking around the house in what seemed to be an attempt at a bun and a royal blue  jumper that was too big for her while she munching down on a fat cookie

she wasn't really doing anything until she heard her phone buzz on the kitchen counter. when she reached her phone and looked down at her phone to see an instagram notification from aj shabeel her eyebrows furrowed

she began walking over to her couch and sat down while clicking on the dm from aj 

'hey so ngl the beta squad fans love you so we were thinking if your down for it you come join us at our next video shoot. were doing a hide and seek with bounty hunters. lmk if your interested'

april stared at her phone for a few minutes in shock. she ate the last bit of her cookie before she began to respond. when she was done texting aj she tapped on contacts and scrolled until she found the one she was looking for and began to dial

'hey chlo, looks like your girls pretty famous after all'


a few days had passed and april had arrived at the shoot. they were at a prison and april had to refrain from looking at the building for too long as it would make her skin crawl. she was interrupted from staring at the building when she heard a loud voice making its way over to her 

'AY APRIL YOU MADE IT!' aj exclaimed with his arms outstretched 

april smiled at him 'yeah well i figured you'd need me to keep your views up' she replied before giving aj a small hug 

aj pointed his finger at her 'ay you calm down with that. cmon i'll get you to meet everyone'

once everyone properly met april they all warmed up to her pretty quickly. the only person who she hadn't seen yet was niko but she tried to pay no mind to it. why should she care anyway?

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