chap 9 - misunderstandings

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niko and april remained staring at each other ignoring the chaos surrounding them

niko had let her won. it was a small gesture, but it meant the world to april

april gave niko a knowing smile telling him that she knew, she knew that he had let her win. 

breaking april and nikos eye contact nikos phone began to ring in his pocket. lucy. his girlfriend. the girlfriend who he forgot about. again.

niko scurried away to take the phone call from lucy. 

niko picked up the phone and answered. it was the typical bullshit, how are you? i miss you, blah blah

but niko couldnt focus alarm bells were going through his head

shit, shit. shit. shit. shit. was all that ran through his brain 

all he could think about was april. the same april who he had promised himself not too talk to anymore. niko had a girlfriend. and when he spoke to april he found himself only thinking about her. 

he didnt know what she was doing to him but it needed to stop. he would make it stop


time had passed since niko had left. as soon as he came back from his phone call he already seemed different.

he seemed distant again

but april refused to pay any mind to it. niko and april were just talking, niko and april were fine. april didn't have to worry. things felt normal between them again. well, it was normal except for the fact that april felt butterflies every time he touched her

april didn't hesitate before making her way over to him

'hey there loser' she said a wide smile splitting her face in two 'ya know, i was talking too owen and sandra, yk the people who run the ice cream place'

niko nodded in response

'well you showed it to me so i feel like i owe you the opportunity to eat ice cream with yours truly. but were going tomorrow or else i'm going by myself i will not be able to keep myself away from that fucking ice cream'

'sounds good' niko replied. and with that, he walked off, away from april

niko felt bad just walking away from her like that, but he needed to get away from her. he didn't trust himself around her 

april just watched him go. why did that hurt? why was he being distant from her again, why did niko have such an effect on her, and was he mad at her? and why- oh my god shut up! april thought

oh my god why was she acting so clingy. april rolled her eyes at herself 

'stop being such a soppy bitch and get over it' april whispered to herself and then walked over to the boys 


it was getting late and everyone was inside gathered around the couch. some shitty movie was playing that april was paying no attention too. she was bored out of her mind.

april groaned 'this movie sucks ass' she said simply 

she earned glares and scoffs from the boys from that comment 

april rolled her head back in boredom 'your all so boring.' she cocked her head back up 'anyone want to go on the bouncy castle with me?' 

'its like what?' chunkz checked his phone for the time 'twelve o clock at night? no way'

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