Ch.1 [Nurse of Steel]

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The sliding doors of a grocery store  Y/n walks out of the store.  the night is blocked out by the city lights and a bag of eggs bread and Ham he switches it over to the other hand as his fingers get tired

He walks on the usual way home swiping through his phone waiting at lights and kicking rocks walking past people in the usual City Life

Suddenly everything stopped about 3 more minutes from home the wind seemed to be standing still the flickering of street lights about 5 feet away the moonlight Shine On a person they were concealed before the street light flashed on

His face was a stone cold expression's eyes seemed clouded giving me the Ultimate Death Stare wearing a leather coat his hair messy somewhat covering his face his hands in his pocket a somewhat bulky exterior

"Yo bro....?" I couldn't stop my voice from trembly, shit why now why here

"shut your mouth" he looked me dead in the eyes Shadows under his eyes signs of him not sleeping well

" Wow, have you been working out you look Styler man!" Well I'm trying to start a conversation he doesn't seem too interested just looking me up and down

"And you let yourself go so much for being "The Golden Child" "Unconsciously I flinch and look away

"wel-" Before I can utter another word I get cut off "You know they still talk about you. even bring you up at parties still bragging about you even though you're not there"

"can't say I'm surprised" Why am I the nervous one I'm the older brother this time I look him dead in the eyes before looking away again.... nope

My stomach twists and turns

Was it fear?

Was it guilt...

An awkward silence fell on to the brothers even with the younger brother's serious stoic face slight glimmers of awkwardness Shimmer through

"Ah- ahhh.." my brother's lips open but close all the same like he never opened his mouth he wants to get something out moving his left hand from his pocket he slicks his hair back what catches my eye is a red tattoo on the back of his hand

"You got a tattoo?" he shows me the back of his hand to reveal a tattoo that looks like a spear before turning it around to look at it himself  "Oh you already forg-" interrupted by the sound of footsteps and clinging


Manly running away in an alleyway across the street before running out of earshot I hear

"-not done talking" Now all I can hear are my heartbeat and the sound of my feet and the bag in my hands dodging trash cans and rats in the alleyways

Oh God... I'm out of shape

after a few more minutes of running after running out of the Alleyway straight for a couple more streets, I hit a chain fence looking behind me I still see nobody but the empty streets the Moonlight shines as the sounds of footsteps and clanking sounds of metal scratching together further down the street tossing my grocery bag over the fence hearing large cracks before climbing it and falling on my back on the other side

"OH! My back! OWWW My back! Ohhh huff ohhh I can feel it in my balls...owww" the  tingling sensation of pain running down my back  I get on my feet grabbing my back of groceries and continue to run through the field towards the school I've just trespassed into

Finally entering the school grounds I look behind me from where I ran to finally see it. clad in silver and blue armor, a cloak, and a helmet carved to resemble a lion's face with a mane. On the other side of the fence a fair distance away walking towards the fence without any hesitation ripping through the fence like it was but wind. It looks at me I run into the school at every chance trying to open doors running deeper into the school through the hallways finally a door Jitters open I walk in hearing a loud Blast from down the hallway

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