Haunter versus Kadabra

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[After their adventures in the Pokémon Tower, our heroes have made their way back to Saffron City. Ash and Charmander were looking out at Saffron City]

Ash:We made it, Charmander!

[Charmander nods in agreement with its trainer].

Ash:And this time, I KNOW we're gonna win! Right, Green? [Ash asked his best friend]

Green:With a Ghost Pokémon helping you, your victory in the Saffron Gym is guaranteed.

Fern:Ivysaur [Fern said as Cubone nodded in agreement with its trainer and his starter's opinions]

Ash:What about you, Brock? [Ash asked the former Pewter Gym leader]

[They turn to see Brock standing a few feet away]

Brock:Uh, if you say so. [he said nervously]

Ash:What's the matter?

Charmander:Char?" [Charmander asked]

Green:Could it be that you're scared of Haunter?

Fern:Ivysaur? [Bulbasar asked while Cubone cocked his head in confusion]                                    Brock:I Think I'm allergic to ghosts. Kinda feel sorta dizzy.

Lexus:Come on, Brock. Haunter can't be that bad.

Misty:Please. You couldn't be afraid of such a cute little thing.

[Haunter then begins to nuzzle Misty making her giggle]

Lexus:Misty is right. Haunter is kinda sweet once you get to know it.

Brock:Cute, right [Brock said as he backs up slightly]

[Haunter then licks Misty in the face. Ash and Green gasps as they saw Misty paralyzed]

Misty:It just crossed the cute line. [she said before falling over]

Lexus:What happened to Misty?

GreenI think Haunter used Lick on her [He explained] It's a Ghost type attack that has a chance of paralyzing opponents.

Carwyn:Cubone [Carwyn said as he hid behind Fern].

Ash:Haunter, you paralyzed her! [Ash scolds at Haunter]

[This caused Haunter to burst into tears. Ash softens his glare]

Ash:Hey, Haunter. It's really not that big a deal.

Green:Yeah. You didn't mean to paralyzed Misty. You were just being playful.

[Hearing this caused Haunter to cheer up. It then goes up to Ash]

Ash:Haunter, in Saffron City there's a trainer named Sabrina who uses Psychic Pokémon. Ghost Pokémon are strong against Psychic Pokémon, right? Will you help me defeat her?

[Haunter nods it's head]

Lexus:Looks like Haunter agrees with you.

Ash:Yes! That Marsh badge is as good as mine! [Ash yelled]

Green:Let's get down there!

Fern:Ivysaur!" [Fern said]

Carwyn:Cubone [Carwyn added]

[The gang were standing outside the Saffron Gym]

Ash:That Sabrina sure showed us up last time. She made Pikachu and me look like a joke! [Ash thought as he recalled his last gym battle against the Saffron Gym leader ]This time the joke's on her.

Green:You said it, buddy

Misty:We're with you all the way.

Fern:Ivysaur! [Fern said]

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