Blind but no fool

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(Tommy's P.O.V.)
"So you met both brothers?" Polly questioned me as I sat down for our family meeting. I nodded and lit a cigarette. "The oldest brother, Alfie, is willing to do business with us, but I do believe that he is completely untrustworthy unless we offer him the right price, and even then, there is no guarantee Alfie won't switch sides halfway through the deal. When others pay a higher price" I began to explain, "and for Killian. Well, he made it very clear to me that he does not want to do business with us. Killian is very distrusting of people, especially strangers. He may be blind, but he sees better than most people with sight". "So how are you going to make him trust you?" Polly asked me, "I've got a plan for that" I answered simply.


(Unknown person's P.O.V.)
"We've been given a chance to proof ourselves with the Blinders" I said walking up to my friend who was leaned against a wall. "What's the job?" Ben questioned, "some bastard named, Killian Solomons. He runs a gang. Racetrack rackets and protection in Camden Town mostly. But now seems to have a particular fancy for expanding to the racestracks here. So, The Blinders know he'll be attending the race tomorrow. The Blinders want us to go to the racetrack and deal with the Jew as quick and quiet as possible". "How do we know who he is?" Ben questioned, "simple, Killian is blind in both eyes and has a big old scar down his right eye". Ben laughed hearing how easy this job was going to be. We get rid of the Blind Jew and we get welcomed back by Tommy Shelby himself.

The next day

"How does he tell which horse is winning?" Ben questioned me as we watched Killian who was sitting alone not to far away from us. "The speakers you idiot" I told him and pointed at the loud speakers that were announcing the horse who was in front. Ben and I didn't have to wait very long before Killian decided to leave the stands for the bettinglocket. This was our change to intercept him. Because Killian is blind, we can make him think that there is only one person who is approaching him. So I will keep him busy and Ben will put in the attack. "Mr Solomons" I said and stepped beside him to walk along with him, "may I have a word with you?". He didn't even awknowledge me, just continued walking. His hand gliding over the buildings wall to find his way. He hadn't noticed Ben yet, which was good. "It won't take long, Mr Solomons" I tried again to make him stop walking. But he still ingored him. My fist clenched at the disrespect he was showing. "Oi are you deaf?" I snapped at him. He just chuckled darkly before responding calmly "Blind? Yes. Deaf? No" as he continued to walk further. I chuckled and looked behind me at Ben, "now, that you know which dissability I have. I advise you to leave me the fuck alone" he sneered. "Oh that's not going to happen" I told him and stepped in front of him to stop him from continuing by putting my hand against his chest. "I wouldn't do that if I where you" he calmly spoke. I chuckled. "You're blind, Killian, what are you going to do!?" I asked laughing but immediatly fell silent when he changed completely. Killian went from cordial and relatively calm yet serious with a blank expression on his face to one that looked offended. I noticed how his blind eyes sort of fixate on me as he lifts his head up to make himself bigger.

From standing very still to lifting his heels off of the ground and shifting his shoulders around and leaned closer

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From standing very still to lifting his heels off of the ground and shifting his shoulders around and leaned closer. It reminded me of a barely restrained angey dog on a leash. Then Killian started getting closer, invading my personal space and gestures with his hand what he would do to me. "I'll snap your hand of your fucking wrist and then shove it into your friend's mouth" he said and points behind him to Ben. How did he know about Ben? I questioned myself. It was like he could read my mind. "I may be blind, but I'm no fool". Then I realized that Killian had walked us three to a quiet area with no further people. So he had heard all three of our footfalls on the cobblestones. And immediatly figured out that I was not in fact alone like I had basically stated when I had approached him. Therefor he knew this would be an attempt to take his life. Then all of a sudden, he moved quickly, like a gazelle. Swift, agile and fast. He kicked his right leg backwards, making contact with Ben's knee, making him immediatly fall over and scream in agony after I heard a crack. Before punching me straight in my face.

(Killian's P.O.V.)
I felt the strangers jaw break underneath my knuckles. In front of me I heard him fall down before scooting back frantically. His shoes desperately trying to find grip on the cobblestones, but failing misserably. Behind me I could hear the other stranger try and stand up. Loud groans and huffs came from him. I guessed the silent stranger had regaines his strenght because he charged at me. 2 metres away from me, 1 metre away from me. I took one step to my left and heard him pass me. He of course didn't suspect me side stepping. I heard him trip and then crash. The voice of the guy who had talked filled the air with curse words and I chuckled realising they had crashed into one another. "Well, it was fun lads" I said as I grabbed my revolver and twirled the barrel around. My finger gliding over the barrel to feel for the bullets. 5 bullets were still loaded into my revolver. "But, now I'm done playing around" I loaded my gun and aimed downwards where I thought they still where. Then all of a sudden, in front of me, I heard a gun being fired off and soon my left side, just above my kidney, surged with a sharp pain. I stumbled backwards slightly and immediatly grabbed my side to subdue the pain that was created by the shotwound. I felt the sticky warm blood stain my hand and I hissed in pain. "Killian!" I heard a familiar Brummie accent call out then followed up with two more shots. Multiple fast paced, running footfalls approached me. Some halted a few meters away from me while one continued towards me. "This one's dead" a second male voice spoke out, "this one aswell" a third one announced, sounding younger than the other two. Yet both not rining a bell to who they belonged to. I suddenly felt a hand on my right shoulder and immediatly I flinched away. "It's me" the Brummie told me quickly. Then I recongized his voice, it belonged to Tommy Shelby. "You alright?" He questioned me. I nodded at him as I catched my breath. "Come on, we'll get you fixed up. They got a good shot on you" Tommy said and wrapped an arm around me to guide me away. "Arthur! John!" Tommy called out to the others, probably to tell them they where getting out of here. Then he turned his attention back to me. "They landed a good shot on you" Tommy told me. "Not really" I answered, "I was what, a few metres away from them? And they didn't even manage to get a headshot". I replayed the situation back in my mind. Thinking about how far the stranger where from me, to the echoe of the shot. To me the gun sounded to be fired off much further than the two strangers had been. So was it actually them that shot me? Or was my guess of their whereabouts actually wrong and were the stranger actually much further away from me?

Published: 29th of October 2023

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