Chosen ones

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(Tommy's P.O.V.)
Both me and Killian follow the two kids. I had expected that Killian would have a bit of trouble due to the pace we were walking at, but he kept up with us all, like a fox hunting a rabbit. The boys looked behind towards us before running into a slaughter house. We follow them inside and immediatly four people step from beside me. I sigh realising it was a set up. The boys had been told to come get me and Killian here for whatever reason I do not yet know. Even the blind youngster beside me could realize there was something off in this situation. His blind eyes seemed to glare holes into the men that where taking of his jacket and gun belts. After we had been stripped of any weapon we held, both me and Killian got a sack pulled over our heads. Two pair of rough hands gripped around my upper arms, pulling me along to a different room. I couldn't make out if Killian was also being dragged to the same place. Eventually, not long after, a hand pushed on my shoulder telling me to sit down. I did so, and soon the sack was pulled of my head. From the corner of my eye I can see that Killian had been seated on a chair right next to me. The sack on his head was now removed aswell. In front of me where two people, a woman and a man. The room was quiet as three out of the four people stared each other down. Killian didn't seem all to bothered about being basically captured. "It really says something about a person when they think it helps to blind an already blind man" Killian simply stated, looking ahead of him, "and what may that something be?" The woman questioned, "That you lack a basic form of intellect" he stated with a shrugg of his shoulders, "anger defeats fear, good" the woman said and turns to her companion, "Killian has a reputation to uphold". "A reputation of not being scared of anything" the man replies in a thick Irish accent. "You can't fear something which you cannot see" Killian replied cocky. "In all the world, violent man are the easiest to deal with" the woman comments eyeing the blind kid beside me. Killian chuckles and leans onto the table in front of us. Showing the entire room that, although blind, he knows exactly who, where and what is in the room. A true master at knowing his surroundings. He clasped his hands together and continues "now, be a dear and tell me which kind of rebel are you?". Clearly the youngster was deliberately acting obtuse. "Are you the mission-focused and solution-driven kind? Or the narcissistic and problem-oriented ones?". The woman silently laughs hearing him ramble on. A trait both Solomons brothers have. The man, who does not enjoying hearing the blind Londoner mock them in their face, stands up and glides his gun across the table. Killian must've catched the creaking of the chair when the man stood, because his head immedistly turned to watch the Irish man. "You are one word away from death, Mr Solomons" the woman told him, "so stop fucking smiling" the man added to the threat. A playfull and cheeky smirk formed on his lips "word". Killian knew they wanted or needed us, so they won't kill us without proper reason. So, he was pushing buttons and basically being a menance to them, entertaining himself. "You're name is Irene O'Donnell" I spoke for the first time, gaining everyones attention, "you have a son at the Cheerywood road school in Harborn. He has iron on his legs, his name is Sean. He comes last in every race". "Poor boy" Killian tutted sadly and shook his head beside me "Poor boy if the race was importaint". Then suddenly the man snapped and clicked the safety of his gun before pushing it against Killian's head. "There are other ways of carrying out this mission. Please allow me to put a bullet in this blind scum's and tinker's heads" the man sneered. It was quiet for a second before Irene spoke out. "No, they research their enemies. That's why they have been chosen". Killian turns his head to look blindly at the man who held the gun against his head "you can lower the gun now, sweetheart, I am one of the chosen ones". The man doesn't react immedistly and I can tell he so desperarly wants to kill Killian, but he eventually lowers his gun. "Can the chosen ones smoke?" I asked the two. They don't give me an answer, so I decide to just grab my cigarette packet to light one up. Killian does the same. Like I had seen him do previously, he again lights the cigarette before pushing it against the skin of his wrist, to see if it was actually lit. Being happy that it was, he put it to his lips. "A vacancy has appeared-" Irene told us, "I'm to busy to be your errand boy" Killian states and breathes out a cloud of smoke. "You don't get a choice. You two are going to fill it" Irene replied harshly. I can see Killian role his eyes. "Chosen by who'm?" I asked her striking my match. "By an informed consenses". I throw my match box and pack of cigarettes on the table "why don't you tell the chosen ones, what they haven been chosen for" I told her. Irene's eyes narrow at me "from now on, Mr Shelby, you shut your gypsy fucking mouth" she sneers at me, "and listen to your instructions". Irene turns to the bored Killian, also telling him the same thing "that goes for you aswell, Mr Solomons". Killian lifts his head up slightly "I don't follow instruction very well". "Then you better start today" the man snaps at him.

Published: 17th of April 2024

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