Chapter 1

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Five hours earlier...


🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮♫ Will you leave or will you carry on? ♫Is your love from before still strong?If you leave, will you keep the memory?♫ That made night so long, that cut so deep? ♫🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮

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Will you leave or will you carry on?
Is your love from before still strong?
If you leave, will you keep the memory?
That made night so long, that cut so deep?

Closing my front door after me, I step into the chilly air of North Carolina. The new small houses of the pack look similar to the ones we left behind. It has a small bedroom and a kitchen/living room, and all of them have the same design. Every member who doesn't have a mate gets a house, while the mated members prefer to build their own homes.

I ignore the other omegas gathered around a fire, giggling and chatting away happily, and make my way to the public dining room. It's after dinner time, but I never really eat with them, so no one bats an eye when the few people who are left, see me entering.

I'm not here to eat anyway.

With a flick of my wrist, the stacks of dirty trays are lifted into the air and start moving into the kitchen.

"Time for the freak show!" Colin, the fat beta jackass whose hobby is to annoy me, shouts to make sure everyone heard his funny one-liner.

The few losers who are left laugh as if it's the funniest thing they have ever heard, and not the same joke he makes every time I'm on cleanup duty.

I roll my eyes. "If this was a freak show, you'd be the main attraction, fat-ass."

His eyes flash and he stands up, grabbing his glass of water threateningly. God, he is stupid. "Maybe I should shove this up your fucking ass to shut you up."

He keeps setting me up with jokes about my ass. It's honestly getting old. I like a challenge every now and then.

Still, I smirk and tilt my head at him. "If I had that up my ass, I certainly wouldn't be shutting up."

His whole face turns red and he sputters. "Th— I wasn't— I didn't mean—"

"Yeah, yeah!" I shoo him away with my other hand. "Go learn a new fucking joke or something."

I don't stick around to listen to his usual insults as he gathers his stuff and walks out with the rest of the people.

Instead, I start washing the dishes. Because of my powers, I can use all four sinks to clean up and I always finish up very quickly, since it's become muscle memory. I have been doing this for 7 years now, ever since my sister left me with Jeff when I was 16 years old.

At first, I couldn't even hold up a dish for 5 seconds since I had never practiced before. But gradually over time - and after many, many, many broken dishes - I have gotten stronger. I still have my limits, but I'm better than ever.

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