Chapter 4

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Here comes trouble once again,
I got voices in my head
Give me way too many reasons to repeat
my past mistakes
Sip my drink, take my hand, show me one
night of paradise
Kiss me, we own the night,
I'm venom, venomous

🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮🝮♫ Here comes trouble once again, ♫I got voices in my headGive me way too many reasons to repeatmy past mistakes Sip my drink, take my hand, show me one night of paradise Kiss me, we own the night,♫ I'm venom, venomous ♫🝮🝮🝮...

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"Alpha Steele." Alpha Noah dips his head, reaching out for a friendly handshake. "Thank you for meeting me on such short notice."

I shake his hand once, then gesture for him to sit in one of the chairs around the rectangular table. "Better be worth it."

I haven't slept for two days. Not even a wink. He better pray I don't fall asleep in the middle of the meeting.

Noah and I are the same age and we practically grew up together. Our fathers were very close friends, despite being considered a rival pack. Although, dad never saw them that way. For a while there- before my dad passed away- there was even some speculation about us being mates.

Of course, Noah is a very good man and we were even best friends when we were kids, but I knew he wasn't the one. And once I realized his views towards me had changed- leaning towards the romantic side- I immediately put a much needed distance between us. I cared for him and didn't want him to get hurt because of me.

Sometimes I can still see the longing in his gaze after meetings and such, but I honestly suspect his feelings have more to do with loneliness and the idea of a mate than being in love with me. And I can't fault him for that.

But right now, all I want to do is get home and continue the argument with my Kitten. Then maybe shut him up with a deep kiss and fall asleep cuddling on our bed.

Our bed. That sounds nice.

"It is." His usual cocky smile is missing, my first suspicion that something is amiss. "We have a serial killer."


My mind is still reeling from all the information Noah dumped on me during the meeting. It ended up running longer than I anticipated so by the time I get home, it's completely dark out.

If what he is saying is true, then this serial killer has been out there, killing and maiming people for years. The most disturbing part is not the countless number of dead people, but this sick person's method of killing.

The victims all seem to have carved out their own heart, evident from the claw marks (if they are a werewolf) or the self-inflicted knife wounds (if they are a human). The autopsies also show removal of the eyes, ears, and the tongue post mortem.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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