10-20 Facts about Love and Crushes

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1. According to a study , when you fall in love , you lose your close friends .

2. Your online profile pictures play a crucial role in attracting a crush or having a crush on someone.

3. Your crush sees you as 20% more attractive than you think you are .

4. after learning the name of your crush , you see it everywhere .

5. If you want to create an instant link with your crush say his or her name twice n a conversation.

6. You can tell whether someone likes you within just 7 seconds of meeting them.

7.Your interests says a lot about  your compatibility with someone . 

8. Men and women with same personalities are likely to have crushes on each other .

9. Love is not only about romance, it is about carrying for another person more than yourself.

10. One of the happiest moments when you and your crush wear same color dress unexpectedly  

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