30-40 Facts

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1. Your crush seems to figure out your schedule and will randomly show up at places he knows you frequent .

2. Your crush try to act as if he doesn't care about you. 

3. Your crush will find stupid excuses to stay where you are.

4. Your crush always sits next to you whenever he has the opportunity . 

5. If they blush around you, laugh uncontrollably for almost no reason,can't directly look into your eyes, or fidgets a lot , then it is possible they like you/crush on you.

6. Never get confuse between love and crush . A crush is often based on physical attraction and tends to be a short-term feeling. Love tends to involve a deeper level of understanding and deep affection, usually developing over time.

7.if Anyone has crush on you... he/she will be very nervous or shy to talk to you.

8. If a person truly loves you he won't play games but will give you a clear sign of how he feels.

9. If they started ignoring you, not talking to you, avoiding you ...maybe you did something bad or it can be they are losing there interest in you .

10. If  you know a guy likes you and then also ignoring it means they don't know whether you like/ interested in them or not.

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