Chapter 1

692 16 19

6 years later

Location: Yavin 4


It has been 6 years since the Ghost Crew saved me and Six's life we have been in a lot of missions with them one of these missions we met a boy named Ezra Bridger who's parents were killed by the Imperials. We found out that he is force sensitive and Kanan since he is Jedi decided to take him as his Padawan I am force sensitive too but I am not a Jedi but a Sith Acolyte learn the ways of the Sith but I made a promise to the Ghost Crew that I will never betrayed them and I will help them against the Empire. So me and my Crew met a group of Rebel forces called the Phoenix Squadron one of them was a Grey Jedi named Ahsoka Tano how do I know her? My father used to tell me stories about fought many battles against my mother we even fought against a Sith lord named Darth Vader along with other Inquisitors especially Seventh Sister we went of a Ancient Sith homeworld called Malachor. There we met Darth Maul my father told me that he fought a lightsaber battle against my mother so when he was about to kill Seventh Sister push her away from Mauls lightsaber she thank me for it I decided to let her go to her ship and then the Temple started to shacking and I saw Ahsoka Tano about to fight against Darth Vader but when she saw me she decided to leave him and come with us. A few years a lot of things happened the good news is we have just found two surviving Jedi Masters from the Clone Wars Shaak Ti Aayla Secura who managed to survive Order 66 we found a female Sith named Darth Talon decided to train me in the ways of the darkside of the Force and Senator Mothma founded the Rebel Alliance and we united to fight against the Empire and restore or Republic but the bad new that Grand Admiral Thrawn have found out our secret base and managed to destroy have of our fleet and we lost our base but we managed to escape with what's have of our fleet to Yavin 4. On Yavin 4 we still continued missions for the Rebel Alliance like supply missions and other stuff but one of the missions have turned tragic we were supposed to do a supply run but we were ambush by Imperials so Kanan Ezra and Zeb decided to stay behind to fight them after we left we heard a explosion in the distance and we never saw them again. We managed to get back and I haven't been the same I usually lock my self in my room for hours mostly a day I have gotten depression about what happened I haven't been myself since

Present Day

I heard Hera knocking on the door

Hera: Zeo are you there? I need to talk to you

I opened the door

Me: Yes Hera?

Hera: I needed to talk to you and with Sabine real quick okay?

Me: Ok I will be there come on Six

I heard Six hiss

We went with I saw Sabine, Ketsu, Ahsoka, Darth Talon, Aayla Secura, Shaak Ti, and the Seventh Sister. I was confused of why they are here so I decided to ask Hera of what's going on.

Me; Uh Hera what is going on? And why are they doing here?

Hera: Well ever since we lost Ezra, Zeb, and Kanan I decided to add a few new members to the Ghost Crew

Me: Okay Hera that is fine

They all were shocked at me for saying that

Me: What?

Ketsu: Are you not upset?

Me: I am fine I know this going happened anyway so I decided to be okay and Hera can I go back to my room now?

Hera: Yes you can

Me: Thank you

Me and Six decided to headback to our room

The girls POV

[ ]= Thoughts

Girls:[It's ok Zeo we will be here for you because we love you so much]

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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