The Bar

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Hi!! I hope the wait wasn't too long!!! But here i am! Back with another chapter!! I hope you enjoy!

Geto POV

[I guess Satoru was excited for the party. He's probably getting ready now. I cant believe it's at a bar. I don't know how they managed that. That means there's going to be random people there too. That's the worst!] I look through my closet.
"What on earth am i going to wear!?" I groan. [I guess just something simple will do] I grab a white long sleeve shirt and some black jeans. "This is fine." I throw the clothes on my bed and grab the small box hiding in my closet. I pull out a cigarette and light it. I sigh and breathe it in. [sorry Ru... you hate it when i smoke but i just felt like i deserve it after worrying so much over you on our vacation.] I finish off the cigarette and put the box back in the closet. I walk into the bathroom and take a shower and brush my teeth to rid of the smell. I brush my hair and tie it in a bun. I pull on my clothes and grab my car keys. I lock my room and walk down to my black car. I drive to the party location and i arrive 5 minutes past the time it's meant to start. I walk in and there's just a few people there from the school. All of them are dancing and having fun. I look around and see Shoko, she's sitting away from all the people. I walk over to her and sit by her.
"Welcome to the fun." She says and sighs. I chuckle a bit. She hands me a drink.
"Thanks. Just wait till Satoru gets here. Then I'm sure it'll be fun." I say and take a small sip. [alcohol isn't really my thing and i want to make sure I'm sober to take care of Satoru. He gets drunk so fast it's unreal.]
"Where's Utahime?"
"She's coming later."
"Oh cool. At least that'll be fun."
"Yea." She leans back in her chair. I hold my drink up to her.
"It's alright. Just try to make the best of it." I say and she clinks her cup to mine with a nod and we both take a drink. An hour passes and Gojo still hasn't arrived. [hes definitely coming late on purpose.] I look over at Shoko who's now dancing with her girlfriend who arrived about 30 minutes ago. Then the lights turn to the little stage at the front and the birthday boy steps on it. He's dressed up as a king, it's very well done and he stands out a lot.
"I just want to thank everyone for coming and i want to make sure everyone has a fun time! And I'll be buying one round of drinks for all my guests-" The boy says but all eyes turn towards the doors as Gojo steps in. My face heats up. He's wearing black ripped skinny jeans, a white button up shirt with the first three buttons undone[and may i say it fits very well. Tight but not too tight. A sexy tight. Oh god get it together!], dark blue sneakers, his black glasses pushed down to his nose so his bright eyes are peeking out, his cheeks are a bit pink and so are his lips from makeup, and i can see black eyeliner and black mascara making his eyes stand out even more. [he's gorgeous..] I stare at him along with everyone else in the building as he walks over to me. 
"Hey Suguru!! I finally made it!" He says and smiles like he's not got everyone in the buildings attention. [Everyone is staring at him. keep it cool. It's fine. Don't focus to much on it. You know he's beautiful and people stare at him all the time. This is no different.] I look down at the floor.
"Hey. I'm glad you made it." I say. He laughs. I look up at him and his eyes sparkle from the flashing lights. [hes so pretty..] He smiles.
"Come on!! Let's have some fun!!" He says and grabs my wrist. I stand up and follow him. He leads me to the bar and sits down at one of the stools. I sit next to him. The bartender walks over to us.
"What can i get you two?" She says and looks at Satoru. He smiles at her.
"Make it a surprise!!" He says and his eyes sparkle under his glasses. She nods and looks at me.
"And for you?"
"Nothing, thanks." I say and she turns around and starts grabbing stuff. Satoru turns to face me.
"This is so fun!!! After this let's go dance!!! Oh! By the way, you look so hot!!!" He says. [you think i look hot..?]
"Sure. And thank you but you're the pretty one here. Not me. You had the whole building looking at you. Good choice on the makeup it looks nice." He laughs at my statement. The lady turns around and sets a pretty blue and red drink in front of Ru. He smiles and starts drinking it. A group of guys walk over to us. I look at them. They're all messy and they have dirty long overgrown beards and stained clothes. [this is going to be happening all night. This usually happens once or twice out in public but the alcohol here is just the confidence all the creeps needed.] They whistle and stop behind us. We both turn around.
"Well hey there~" one with brown hair says and winks at Gojo. "You're here for the party right?? Well so am i! We were hired to make it more interesting so come on! We'll take you to the back to have some fun and make it a real party!" He says and reaches his hand out to touch Ru but it stops.
"Oh my! That sounds just wonderful!! Take my hand and lead me there!!!" Satoru says and i can see his small smirk. The guys try to grab him but infinity is stopping them. "Oh what's the matter!!? Am i not good enough?!!" Gojo says and sticks out his bottom lip and looks down, pouting like a little kid.
"No no! You're perfect!! We want you!! How bout you just follow us to the back!!??" They say.
"Mmmm no thanks! You have to take me there!!! I think I'm feeling a bit tipsy!! I need someone strong and handsome to lean on!!" Gojo says and leans against the counter with a laugh. The guys try harder to get close but just get frustrated when they can't get closer. Gojo laughs and turns around back to his drink. [if he gets drunk his infinity will ware away and then creepos can touch him. No! Not with me around!! He trusts me with his life! So I'll protect him!] The guys eventually leave from frustration. I watch as Satoru chugs down his fourth drink. He laughs loudly. [oh no..] He jumps off his stool and sways when his feet hit the floor. He grabs onto my arm so he doesn't fall. He giggles and smiles at me. "You're so strong!" I stand up and put my arm around his waist.
"Honey you should sit back down. I don't want you to get hurt." I say and push him towards the barstools.
"Noooooo! Lez go dance!!" He says and pushes me away. He stumbles over to where everyone else is and he giggles when people start looking at him. [this could end very badly.] I walk over to him and the music is very loud over here. People around us are dancing and grinding on each other. Satoru spins in a circle and fumbles around while laughing. I laugh a bit and watch him have fun. He puts his hands on my shoulders and winks at me. He then lets go and jumps up and tries to spin while jumping but stumbles instead. I grab him before he falls. He kisses my arm. "My hero! You save meee!! Now i grant you a little baby little wittle wish!!" He says and laughs. I chuckle. [hes so weird] I roll my eyes playfully.
"Well then, i wish to have a dance with the most beautiful man in the room." I say and grab his hips. He giggles and his cheeks turn red.
"Getoooo!!" I hear Shoko say behind me. [she is definitely drunk] I let go and turn around to face her. She's leaning against her girlfriend and they both have drinks in their hands and they are sitting on the floor.
"What are you guys doing?!" I ask and look down at them.
"Help usssss! We felllll!" Shoko says and laughs. I roll my eyes and help them both up off the floor. I walk them over to the tables and sit them down. I glance at Gojo who's still dancing there. Utahime laughs loudly and Shoko joins her.
"Oh my god. Ughhhh ok, I'll get you guys some water." I take the drinks out of their hands and walk over to the bartender. "Hey could i get two waters?" I ask and she nods. I glance back at Gojo who's laughing and spinning around. She turns around and grabs two cups and pours some water from a water bottle into them. She hands them to me. I walk back to the drunken girls. "Here's this. Drink it." I hand the cups to them. Utahime smiles up at me. Shoko drinks hers quickly. "Ok there. Now stay at the table." I say and massage my temples. [this place is so crowded and loud, it's giving me a migraine.] "I'll go get Satoru and we can all just sit here and talk." I turn around and walk back to where I left Gojo. And of course he isn't there. I look around. [come on!! Are you kidding?!] I follow the strong feeling of power and cursed energy and i find Satoru sitting on some guys lap. He's rolling his hips and smiling. I walk closer and Gojo is laughing and having a good time until he sees me and his face goes blank for a second. I walk over to them. Gojo laughs a bit.
"Wait.." he says and giggles nervously.
"Yes?" I say. Gojo looks back at the black haired man he's sitting on and then back at me. Tears start falling from his eyes and he bawls loudly.
"I-i-i thought th-this was y-you!!" He cries and reaches out to me. The man under him wraps his arms around Ru and holds him there. I roll my eyes and grab onto Satoru's hand. He grabs me tightly and i pull him away from the man. I hold him bridal style and he sobs into my shirt. [Ru is a mess..i need to get him to the others quickly.] The other man stands up and he's a bit taller than me because he's an adult. I look at him with the same blank expression i always have.
"Yes?" I say to him.
"That there is mine. Give him back." He demands.
"No. This is my boyfriend and clearly he doesn't want you or else he wouldn't be crying into my shirt right now." I say and turn around. The man grabs my hair and pulls me back. I yelp at the sharp pain in my head. The dude turns me around and grabs onto Satoru. The sharp pain in the back of my head slowly goes away. "Sir. Let go of my boyfriend. He doesn't want you." I say calmly. Gojo grabs onto me tighter. The man tries to pull Gojo away from me. "Sir please don't do this." The man keeps pulling with one hand while the other slides up Gojos body. "Don't do it." The man reaches his crotch and Satoru kicks him square in the face. The guy stumbles back with his hands covering his face. "I warned you." I say and walk away. I set Gojo down at the table with the two girls. I sit next to him and he leans on my shoulder. I put my arm around him and rest my hand on his thigh. A girl walks over to the table and Shoko whistles at her.
"Hey! Could i get you folks anything?!" She asks with a smile.
"CAKE!" Gojo yells.
"Sure thing lovely! Anything else?!"
"Ok! Sure!! Anything else?!"
"That will be all." I say and cover Satoru's mouth.
"Of course! I'll be back!" The waiter says and walks away. Gojo sits up and looks around happily. I chuckle to myself at his adorable but excruciatingly annoying personality. I lean in and kiss his cheek. He turns to face me and he smiles goofily.
"Awwwww!!!! Baaaaabbee!!! You kissed me!!!!" He says and smiles wide. I laugh. He pouts. "Whaaaaat what is itttt!!! Why are you laughinggggg!! I did nothinggggg!!" He complains. I keep laughing and he gets more upset so i tickle him. He laughs and pushes me away. "Stooooooopppppp!!" He whines and laughs harder. I stop tickling him and pat his thigh. I kiss him and he sloppily kisses back. He rolls his hips towards me and his hands slide up my legs to grab my crotch and rub it. I kiss him roughly and gently push his hands away.
"Not here love." I whisper to him and he pouts. The waiter comes back and sets his treats down. He sits up straight and probably forgets what just happened. He smiles wide and grabs a fork and starts shoving the cake in his mouth. I watch him devour the pastry like his life depends on it. He takes a forkful of it and shoves it to my face. "Ah!" He says and opens his mouth and looks at me. I open my mouth and he shoves the fork in. I eat the soft sugary thing. He looks at me and his glasses slide down his nose.
"Very good." I say and push his glasses up to his eyes again.
"YAY!!" He says and keeps eating. I watch him lovingly. [hes still so adorable even when he's not trying] I turn my attention to the two other people at our booth that i completely forgot about. The two girls are fast asleep. [thats good] I look around the room and the party is still going strong. [maybe we should head home soon..] I look at my phone and it's 1am, i also notice a message from Yaga. I look back over at Satoru and he's eating his cake happily. I stand up. I ruffle his hair and he looks up at me. "You are leaving?????????!!!!!" He says sorta panicked. [hes very clingy this time. He's usually just a reck when he drinks]
"I'll be right back ok? I just need to go take care of something. I'll be back and we can share the rest of your cake." I say and smile. He looks down at his cake and then back at me and nods. I walk across the room to Nanami and Haibara.
"Hello!" The smaller one says.
"Hi. I need a favor from you guys. Can you sit over there until i come back. I need to take care of something but i don't want them to be alone." I say and point to the table i just came from.
"Of course! Good luck with whatever you have to do!" The happy boy says and grabs Nanamis hand and walks over to the booth. I leave the building. [just one little curse and then I'll be back Satoru..please don't get into trouble]

Hiiii!!! I hope you all enjoyed!!! Sorry it's not very long, I'm very busy this week!!! I'll try to get another chapter out before the end of the month!! ~2666 words~

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