➤ eat at baratie

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        𝐀𝐒𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐃 at Luffy in disbelief and shock. Had he heard him correctly? Was this man, a Marine, really related to him? "Did you just call that guy Grandpa?" Zoro voiced his confusion.

Luffy ignored him and stared back into the telescope. Another cannon blasted again towards them, but missed, while Luffy stared at the Marine ship with mixed emotions. Flashbacks of his childhood invade his mind.

"Hit the deck!" Usopp yelled when another cannon fired at them.

They all immediately dropped to the ground just in the nick of time. Asa raised his head and saw that parts of the ship were broken.

'Aw man, we just got it, though-'

"Everybody okay?" Luffy questioned before rushing to Asa's side to help him up. "Asa, you good?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks."

"I'm not okay! Not even close to okay!"

"Typical Usopp." Asa sarcastically said.

"Usopp, fire back at them!" Luffy ordered the male.

"Or...how about we sail away as fast as we can?"

"Run from the Marines?" Luffy stared at him as if he said the cruelest thing on Earth. "No. Never. Nami, trim the...the sail thing! Let's sink their ship."

"We don't have time. They're stealing our wind." Nami argued. "If they pull up alongside us, we're finished."

"You're the navigator. Do something."

With a small sigh, she turned to Zoro and Asa. "You two, sheet in and hard to port!"

Zoro and Asa walked down the stairs but stopped suddenly. "Which way is port?"

"Nams, I have no idea what I'm doing," Asa spoke truthfully.

"The left! Learn from Zoro, Asa!" And she went back to instructing Usopp how to load a cannon.

Usopp went to do as instructed but dropped all the cannonballs in the process. They rolled down the stairs and Usopp couldn't catch one.

Asa smacked a palm over his head and stared at Usopp with a 'you gotta be kidding me' look.

Before anyone else could say something, a speaker was heard and you could Garp's voice very clearly.

"Pirate vessel, by order of the Marines, lower your sail and submit to my authority."

"NEVER!" Luffy quite literally screamed.

Asa couldn't process anything straight at the moment. He knew Luffy was stretchy but he was shocked as hell to see him blow up like a balloon to protect them from an incoming cannonball.

The ball bounced off of Luffy and flew back to the Marine ship, damaging it severely.

"That was...amazing!" Usopp exclaimed.

"Freaky too-" Asa added with wide eyes, still in shock. "But you saved us, so there's that."

"You didn't tell me you could do that," Nami said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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