War is coming

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(Fiona) I'm not in my strongest form so to keep my scale from going bad I have to stay in water.(King) I know a powerful woman that I think could make you human. We just have to wait till Simba finishes fighting off najix.

(Narrator) Simba and Najix are giving it they're all but najix lands a blow that makes Simba start bleeding . Simba tries to return the favor but misses. najix knows Simba missed but acted as if Simba hit a vital spot and flew away. Simba's wounded now , they have to break the curse before midnight and it's 10 pm or the curse will last forever. Sarah tried but even she can't heal the wound .

(Simba) fuck it, break those dragon scales and mix the dust with water till it is like a stringy thing. (King ) done what's next Simba ? (Simba breathing heavily) I need yall to go back to your old form , then wrap that around y'all hands, I will handle the rest.

(Narrator) Simba breathing very slowly draws his sword and infuses them with both sides of his magic and recast the spell to undo the curse. Once the swords touches the dragon scale a bright flash comes from their hands and the dragon scales start to crack and shows no curse mark. (Simba sits down) Leave me here I'll be dead soon, yall go be happy, just remember my name.

(Narrator)King grabs Simba's sword and stab them into the ground, and scream fuck!! Sarah and King have to start a new life , they've made secret ways to get into their realms. (20 years later) (Diana) where is Simba at? (King) How do you know Simba? (Diana) I'm his wife that's not his wife. We married to me I just haven't said anything to him yet. (King) your delusional but follow me.

(Narrator) king leads her to the spot where they buried Simba. (Diana) Do you know where his swords are ?(King) They should be stuck in the ground where I met Fiona, I'll go get them right now.

(Narrator) Diana can revive Simba and simba alone, she is the daughter of a greatest marksman to ever touch a weapon. She is an archer from the future. For some odd reason Diana keeps calling Sarah's mom. She knows if she tells Sarah that Simba is her and King's kid the timeline might be affected.

(Sarah) Who trained you to use magic?(Diana) my dad's friend , I just chose to be an archer. No more questions I need you to leave me alone so I can get to work. Simba's sword holds his memories every time he dies in battle (Simba wakes up).

(Narrator) When King returned home Simba hugged him and said dad in tears. King was confused as Simba grabs his swords and took off. (King)Diana what is your weapon of choice ? (Diana) Just this old flame bow from Simba's father's old weapon collection and chased after Simba. (King) Simba you know where we at. (Simba) Hell yeah we'll see you soon. (King) I'll be right back sarah there's something i need to go check.

(Nar) King went to see his best friend's weapon (flame bow), and it was still there.

(King) How can she have the flame bow if it has a blood seal on it and I'm pretty sure, When I tried to use it I couldn't fire it up. (Simba) Didn't I tell you to not travel here before I sent the signal. (Diana) How do you expect to go missing for 20 years and think I wasn't going to track you down.(Simba) it's been 20 years?!(Diana) where are you going Simba? (Simba) I dropped something before I broke their curse and I'm pretty sure he has it. Diana fires a normal arrow at Simba, how did you find this. (Diana) how can you have this on you ? This can fuck up the timeline.

They get to arguing and King and Sarah appear. (Simba) what the fuck? How did y'all find us. (Sarah) I put a tracker on yo shoes. (King) what is your father's name? (Diana) Jay was his name King. (King) that is impossible kid . (Diana) Before my father died he made a new blood seal using my blood so I can be the only one to use the flame bow.

(Nar)King starts laughing and everybody is confused about what's funny.

(King laughing) That sounds just like him and let me guess Simba is mine and Sarah's kid. (Simba) I came here to fight by your side vs your dad and his forces. (King) why Simba? (Simba) I was brought here to be the one who brings out your inner demon and There's a chip in your sword and you won't beat anyone with those. Grandpa will murder you if you use those old ones, Diana give them to him, please.

(King) What the fuck are you talking about? (Simba) look at your left blade there's a chip in it, (King) you better not be lying. (Nar) King looks at his left sword and there's a chip in it like Simba said. (Simba) let's start training with these right now. There will be a battle in 3 days. (Diana)Originally It was gonna be you and sarah vs zain, bane , hera, and najix.

(Simba) that was unfair so Diana and i came to help. (Diana) i came because my dad fucked with you heavy.(Sarah)What am I supposed to do? I'm just a healer, Diana hands Sarah a sword.(Diana) This is just some old toy I used to play with as a kid.(Sarah)But why is it glowing purple?

(Diana)I don't know just read what it says on the sword and find out. (Sarah) for this is me ready to slay the beast, this great sword of the heavens is all I need. Sarah's whole clothes and hair turn purple and as soon as the full process is complete, the sword says to Sarah it's about the time you broke the seal. (Sarah) This is nice and let's get to training. (King) Diana can you fix my swords? (Diana) No shit but for now to help unlock your skills back to their max potential I'll place you and Simba in a hand-to-hand combat arena so y'all can learn some combos. Sarah you will gets a training area so she can train to use the sword's full power.

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