The Lost Lords

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*Asher stands in a ally way in Yunkai- 3 days after Liberation, Asher walks inside, Beskha pulls her sword*
Asher: it's just me, Beskha.
Beskha: Took you long enough. You're ale's getting warm. Or...warmer, I should say. You can stop pacing. They'll be here soon.
*Asher looks at spill*
Asher: is that wine...or blood?
Beskha: Taste it and find out.
*Asher sits next to beskha*
Beskha: Ale. It goes in yellow, comes out yellow. Waste of time even drinking it, if you ask me.
Asher: Considering we found it in an abandoned tavern, it's not bad.
Beskha: does it smell off to you?
Asher: it's the only thing in Yunkai that doesn't.
Beskha: I know. it's a filthy haven for thieves, murderers and other deadly people. You should feel right at home. I know I do. May we drink, thieve, and fight until the end.
Asher: I'll drink to that.
*Beskha laughs*
Beskha: You'll drink to anything.
Asher: another round?
*they both walk to the counter*
Baskha: have you forgotten about our honored and exalted guest? Go see if he's still breathing.
*asher looks*
Beskha: how is he doing? We need him alive to collect his bounty. after that.
Asher: remind me again......whats this fat pigs name?
Beskha: Bezzag zo....something or other. Don't care really. So long as we get our gold.
*they walk away from man*
Beskha: Eight hundred gold dragons for capturing him. Lucky we caught him trying to flee Yunkai.
Asher: Lucky for us. Not so lucky for him.
Beskha: we should find more former slave masters with bounties on their heads.
Asher: I don't need any more naked fat men in my life, thank you.
Beskha: They say only the poor know how to really spend money. We'll buy the finest wines......the best people...Sleep in bed with no fleas. sounds nice, doesn't it?
Asher: I don't need girls. I've been told I'm quite handsome.
Beskha: yeah..... by girls. My point is, with enough coin we could do anything. Go anywhere.
Asher: I could afford passage back to Westeros. To IronRath. I've heard nothing from my family in years.
Beskha: you mean go home? They treated you like crap there! Kicked you out because you fell in love with a girl from the wrong house!
Asher: Gywn....
Beskha: A man doesn't choose who he loves. Your family should understand that. Westeros and it's bloody houses....who cares. it's all an excuse to tell everyone else what to do.
Asher: They're still my family. My brothers and sisters. They had nothing to do with it.
Beskha: I suppose that's true. just remember.....we have a good thing here. And any moment now, we're gonna be rich. Let's make a toast! To all of us deadly people.
Asher: To us!
Beskha: aye, to us! You're not that drunk, are you?
Asher: sorry.
*guards walk in*
Asher: Beskha, I thought freed slaves put the bounty on Bezzqa.
Beskha: they did. with his own gold.
Asher: so why are the Lost Legion here!?
Beskha: is that Tazal? From the Volantis job?
Asher: Maybe he's forgotten about that.
Tazal: you! I told you if I saw you again....
Asher: Tazal! Isn't it funny how life brings old friends together--
Tazal: ....I'd cut your throats.
Asher: it's good to see you too, Tazal.
Tazal: where is he?
Asher: where is who?
Tazal: here. Four hundred dragons.
Beskha: They must be working for the Wise Masters.
Tazal: and that's all you are getting.
Asher: The bounty is right hundred.
Tazal: you get four. it's more then you deserve.
Asher: give us right hundred, and you can have him.
Beskha: Don't be an idiot, now. We're all sell swords here.
Tazal: we are nothing like you. The Lost Legion are the blood of Old Valyria. and we are done taking orders from whimpering pigs.
*Tazal cuts the guys throat*
Beskha: bloody heck!
Tazal: and we are done with you, too.
Beskha: la de embazy, do evy bazy. <Easy, brothers, we don't want to
Tazal: Don't talk to my men!
Asher: You just made a big mistake, Tazal.
Tazal: You two are going to be useful to me for once.
Beskha: not bloody likely.
Tazal: The Wise Masters will hear how Asher Forrester kidnapped the venerable Bezzaq. How he wouldn't think less than right hundred hold dragons....So he killed Bezzaq instead.
Asher: me!?
Tazal: luckily, we were there to deliver swift justice.
Asher: so you steal the money, we get the blame.
Tazal: oto osay. fa Ocho spen nomo gwecha gaz!
<Kill them. Feed their bodies to the dogs!>
*Asher flips table*
Beskha: all right, who died first? Who wants to dance on the end of my sword?
*Tazal swings at Asher and Asher falls to ground*
Tazal: Kill them! Now!
*Asher kicks up chair and hits Tazal, then punches Tazal*
Asher: now that's more like it!
Beskha: here's one!
*asher stabs soldier with tomahawk*
Soldier: ACK!
*Asher stabs soldier, guard swings*
Guard: S kudi nop zmi!
*asher swings guard blocks it*
Guard: tubi daor!
*guard swings again, Asher is pinned against a wall, Beskha saves him*
Beskha: you owe me one.
*asher throws a axe into a guards head, Tazal brings down Beskha and has his foot on her neck*
Tazal: This is for Volantis...
Asher: Beskha....
*Asher rams into Tazal, Asher grabs blade and cuts off Tazals hand*
Asher: you're worthless.
Beskha: Asher!
*grabs Tazal and has own guard stab him and Beskha stabs the other*
Asher: know what this reminds me of?
Beskha: that brothel in Norvos?
Tazal: you kill me....And the Lost Legions won't stop....Until you and your friend are dead.
*Asher breaks Tazals neck, three more men tackle them*
Beskha: Crap! Asher!
*Guard holds Asher's head up and other one holds a dagger, Malcolm stabs the one with dagger through the head, Asher grabs axe and drives it through the other ones neck*
Asher: by all the gods of fire?
Beskha: who is he?
Asher: my uncle.
Malcolm: that ended well.
Beskha: more on their way.
Malcolm: we need to go! Come on!
*run out*
Asher: Malcolm!
*opens it and is empty throws it in ground*
Malcolm: we have to keep moving.
Asher: Malcolm! Stop!
Malcolm: Asher.... I'm glad I found you, my boy. it's been to long....
Asher: what are you doing here?
Malcolm: your brother Ethan sent me. I'm here to bring you home......

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