I'll be your wife

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Sera: this way. I love kings landing in the afternoon. The sun just barely kisses your skin....you used to love this place. Remember we'd come listen to the musicians in the evening with lady margaery?
Mira: what did you want to talk about?
Sera: just threw here.
Mira: what are you doing.
Sera: you'll see. *grabs a wine pot* queen Cersei's finest wine. Come on. Sit down.
Mira: I hope you've got another one of those.
Sera: I never took you for a lush, Mira. Sadly, it's just the one.
*they both sit down in the gardens taking drinks of the wine*
Sera: alittle won't hurt. It's just wine. I promise you we won't get in trouble.
Mira: *takes a sip*
Sera: so, I....well, I just.....I'm not good at this sort of thing. Listen. If I tell you this.....Mira, you must promise to keep it to yourself. You can tell no one. I want to trust you....but I need you to promise.
Mira: I swear. I won't tell a soul.
Sera: my mother was a hand maiden to Lady Olenna for many years. She.....became pregnant. It was a disgrace to her family. My true name is sera.....flowers.
Mira: you're a bastard?
Sera: yes. I'm fortunate to be where I am, I know that. But......to always have to hide...I don't want to hide from you as well.
Mira: what of your father? Who was he?
Sera: I don't know. My mother died not long after my birth.
Mira: I'm....im so sorry, sera.
Sera: it's just....I don't want to be Sera Flowers forever. I need Lady Margaery to arrange a marriage for me. It's my chance at a life.
Mira: did you have someone in mind? Someone you'd wish to marry?
Sera: I would have to convince Lady Margaery  to make an introduction first....I know she often confides in you. I was hoping that maybe....sometime, when she comes to you, wanting to talk, you might.....suggest she talk to me instead? Give me a chance to win her over? Coming from you, it's sure to mean a lot. Please, Mira.
Mira: of course, sera.
Sera: thank you, Mira! Thank you. I'm so sorry. Here I am talking about myself...I know your families troubles are much greater then mine. With what happened to your brother, and.....your father....you need this more then I do.
Lord tyrion: hmm.....a conspiracy of handmaidens.
Mira: Lord Tyrion. My lord.
Lord Tyrion: ladies. What have we here? If you mean to drink from that flagon.....you're going about it the wrong way...
Mira: care to join us, Lord Tyrion?
Lord Tyrion: hmm..not the finest Arbor red. But a favorite of my sisters. Quite expensive for a handmaiden. I'd be curious to know how you got a hold of it. Since I'm certain my sister didn't give it to you. She won't even share with me. Though that's hardly surprising.
Mira: I took the wine from the cellars.
Lord Tyrion: Arent you full of surprises? I suggest bringing cups next time. There are risks worth taking. Stealing wine from the Queen Regent isn't one of them. Especially if you wish to be allies with me. Things have changed. My father has recently taken an interest in ironwood. Most of the Royal Navy went up in green flames. It must be rebuilt. He insisted I handle things myself. I'm on my way to meet representatives of Lord Whitehill.
Mira: Lord Whitehill?
Lord Tyrion: he's hired a pair of merchant lords to broker for his house. It seems Lord Whitehill wishes to sell ironwood right out from beneath your family.i don't know much about the man. But judging by his up jumped sellswords....negotiating with him won't be pleasant.
Mira: you can't trust Lord Whitehill!
Lord Tyrion: I don't intend to. Come with me. These men think I have no choice but to deal with them. Imagine their surprise when I bring a Forrester to the table. It might be the first fun I've had in months. My lady. 
*walk into the room*
Andros: we've been waiting here for an hour.
Guy: Andros, be courteous.
Lord Whitehill: courtesy in a merchant. Like finding gold in your chamber pot. Apologies my lady.
Andros: who is this? Some girl you've--?
Guy: she's a lady, lord Andros.
Mira: my name is Mira Forrester.
Guy: Mira Forrester?
Andros: why are you here?
Guy: a fair question.
Andros: we were told we were speaking to Lord Tyrion alone. This is no place for a Forrester.
Mira: I'm here to sell our ironwood, my lord.
Andros: oh really?
Guy: Andros. I'm sorry, lady Mira, but we've already spoken to lord Tyrion--
Lord Tyrion: you spoke. I listened. Lady Mira has since persuaded me to consider her offer first. Now, if you'll excuse us.....
Guy: your going to dismiss?
Andros: you can't do this!
Lord Tyrion: I assure you, I can.
Andros: this is a mistake, my lord.
Lord Tyrion: I don't think so.
Andros: lord Whitehill will hear of this! He's not a man to take such matters lightly. Nor am I.
Guy: that's enough, Andros.
Andros: Lord Tyrion. *bows and walks out*
Guy: lord Tyrion. Do let me know when you've come to a decision. I'd like the opportunity to change your mind. Lady Mira. *walks out*
Lord Tyrion: good day, gentlemen! Well, that was fun. Now. As for your offer. What do u have in mind?
Mira: my lord...?
Lord Tyrion: the Crowns ironwood. I assume you have a proposition. You had a reason for coming here. I know it wasn't just to entertain me.
Mira: my family can supply all the crown needs.
Lord Tyrion: you're suggesting the Forresters be our sole supplier of ironwood. Lord Whitehill will be left in the cold. If he wishes to sell to the crown, he'll have to do so through your family. You will have him at your mercy. Or....you'll bring your house to open war. You do know that's a possibility, don't you?
Mira: with you as a partner, that won't happen.
Lord Tyrion: as master of coin I can do many things, but sending an army to the north is not one of them. However, I know your house needs this. I'll consider the arrangement. However, you'd have to do something for me in return. Don't worry...the terms will be fair.
Mira: what is it you want?
Lord Tyrion: you'll know soon enough. We have an understanding then.
Mira: thank you, my lord.
Lord Tyrion: this will either be very good for both of us. Or very bad for you. For your sake, I hope it's the former.
Mira: *walking out*
Guard: my lady.
Mira: *walks out*
(Meanwhile Asher)
Asher: they are headed to the gate.
Beshka: I know another way.
Asher: you coming with us, then?
Malcolm: if you're to save your house, you'll need more then the two of us at your side. You'll need an army.
Beshka: that's why you're here, isn't it? To hire one?
Asher: an army of sellswords...
Malcolm: ....and a man to lead them...do u hear what I'm saying, boy?
Asher: I can lead an army.
Malcolm: I know you can. I've always known it. Your father was blind to that.
Beshka: none of that matters without sellswords to hire. And all the companies around here are engaged.
Asher: what about Croft?
Beshka: one- eyed Croft? With the second sons? They're all with the Targaryen girl now.
Asher: but Croft owes me a favor.
Beshka: I'm pretty sure he hates you, actually.
Asher: no. He'll hell us. I'll make sure of it.
Beshka: and how are you gonna do that? You didn't part on the best of terms.
Asher: I'll convince him. Maybe with my knee to his balls.
Malcolm: there are other ways, Asher.
Beshka: not half as effective, though.
Malcolm: well, this mother of dragons and her sellswords are headed north, so we make for Meereen.
Beshka: wait....Meereen? Shit.
Asher: what?
Beshka: unfinished business there. I don't want to talk about it.
Malcolm: we can't afford any distractions.
Beshka: it's not your problem! It'll be fine. I promise.
Asher: it's fine. I trust you, beshka.
Beshka: I shouldn't have said anything. I said I was with you little brother. And I meant it.
*they hide cause guards come out*
Tazol: find them! We can't let them leave yankai.
Beshka: just one more we will have to kill later.
Asher: let's go!
Malcolm: you did well back there, Asher. You acted like a true leader.
Beshka: you two can talk later: we need to get out of here. They won't stop looking for us.
Malcolm: it's a long journey to Meereen on foot. I hope you're ready, Asher. It won't be easy.
Asher: just try to keep up uncle.
Malcolm: don't you worry about me. Either we cross the Narrow Sea with an army at our backs..... Or House Forrester will no survive to see winter.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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