Standing up to a bully

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*Meanwhile at the wall Gared stands in a crowd of men*
Finn: You might be new here....But your in my spot. So move
Gared: I'm not moving.
Finn: wrong answer.
Frostfinger: Most of you will be dead within the year.
Finn: Frostfinger and his bloody speeches.....
Frostfinger: if you want to survive in the Nights Watch.... Listen close.
Finn: you know why I got sent to the wall?
Gared: no, I don't care.
Finn: you should. I kissed a girl turns out she was married to some lordling. He tried to stab me. I stabbed him first. So next time I say'd best move.
Cotter: shut up for once, will you?
Finn: what's your problem?
Cotter: I'm sick of Finn bragging about all the girls he's dated.
Finn: and what dire crime are you here for?
Cotter: freakin potatoes
Finn: potatoes?
Cotter: I stole them! that's what got me sent to the Wall.
Finn: nobody cares, thief.
Cotter: don't call me that. My names Cotter.
Finn: cotter the potato. There's one for the songs.
Cotter: Oy. My sister was hungry.
Gared: will you stop arguing--
Frostfinger: who is talking back there? *walks over*Tuttle. Who was it?
Gared: Sorry, ser. It were my fault.
Frostfinger: Covering for your new brothers already, are you? *starts waking back up* Gared Tuttle here wants to be a ranger. So he can go north of the Wall, and die on some wildling's spear. But what he wants doesn't mean shit. So today, you're all going to show me what you're made of. Can you swing a sword? Shoot a bow? Are you strong? Those who do well, might just survive. The rest of you.....
Daario: Frostfinger...I need a word....
Frostfinger: Go on, get started.
*the crowd of men departs*
Finn: good luck, Tuttle.
Gared: *walks over to bows* your doing that all wrong.
Cotter: well, we don't Have these where I-- *shoots his foot*
Finn: Mance Rayder will shit himself when he sees you coming!
Gared: let me show ya. *grabs a bow and aims*
Leader of bows: All right, let's see if you can aim worth a wildling's arse. Shoot the targets when I tell you to. Let's start easy. Middle dummy, center of the chest!
Gared: *hits it*
Leader of bows: Next bolt. Left target, head!
Gared: *shoots*
Leader of bows: good. Right target, chest!
Gared: *hits it directly*
Leader of bows: center, between the eyes!
Gared: *hits it*
Leader of bows: one less wildling. You hit all of them! Nicely done.
Gared: *puts down the bow and walks over to cotter*
Cotter: Finn thing he's so bloody clever. If a real wildling got his hands on him....
Gared: he's just a bully.
Cotter: aye, he is. That's why I took this. *pulls out a dagger* swiped it right off him. Don't tell alright? *puts it away* don't think he'll take it kindly.
Gared: I won't tell anyone.
Cotter: I knew I could trust you.
Gared: *walks away and goes to swords*
Leader of swords: you, grab a practice sword.
Gared: *picks one with a black Handle*
Leader of swords: I'll be sparring with you today. Remember--these blades are dull, but a sword's still a sword. Good luck.
*they fight and Gared wins*
Leader of swords: well fought.
Guy: *on ground* get off me, you bloody ox!
Finn: you got lucky.
Gared: *puts sword back then goes to barrels and finishes*
Finn: I'm thinking Stewart for you.
Gared: your a prick, you know that?
Finn: yeah. I do.
Gared: *walks away*
Finn: your pathetic!
Cotter: fuck off. You didn't even try.
Finn: a crossbows a cowards weapon. Besides. I could hit that dummy from here with my..... *feels around for his dagger* where is it?!? Where the hells my knife?!? If someone has it! I'll kill them!
Gared: *says nothing*
Finn: you were the last one I showed it to! *looks at Gared* well, you was you. *looks at cotter*
Cotter: what?
Finn: you little thief!
Cotter: I don't have it!
Gared: Finn, don't...
Finn: *pushes cotter to ground* give me my knife!
Cotter: I don't have it I swear!
Finn: out of my way!
Cotter: Gared do something.
Gared: *punches finn*
Finn: what the hell?!?
Gared: *punches him in eye*
Finn: *ram's into Gared knocking him to ground*
Men: fight! Fight! Yeah! Get him! Here they go again.
Gared: *rolls so he's on top of Finn and punches him 3 more times*
Finn: *on top of Gared now*
Daario: what is going on here?!? *breaks up the fight* 
Finn: he stole my fucking knife!
Cotter: no I didn't.
Finn: and Gared defended him!
Frostfinger: the last thief I caught no longer has hands.
Cotter: I swear I don't have it.
Finn: he must have hid it!
Frostfinger: and you. I expected better, Tuttle. Instead I find you doing this....On your first bloody day of training.
Gared: but...ser
Frostfinger: Not another word! You clearly need a few days scrubbing the latrines.
Daario: Frostfinger. I need another man  atop the Wall.
Frostfinger: fine. I'll deal with this one. *looks at finn*
Finn: get off!
Frostfinger: *slaps him* mind you manners!
Daario: you. Come with me.
*they both walk up the stairs to the Wall*

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