Chapter 6

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Konnor Pov

Yesterday was odd to say the least. First Tuskmon appears and wrecked everything in his path. Second I met the entire main cast of My Little Pony Equestria Girls. Finally me and my family met my Digimon Partners Koromon and Babydmon. Well... It's more like my parents walked in on me talking to my Digimon to the point where I had to explain, oddly enough they were okay with it. The only problem is I don't know if they need constant attention, so I brought them to school with me along with the Vpet they came out of. At least today is somewhat quieter than yesterday. I was in the lunch room feeding my Digimon under the table that way they wouldn't squirm in my bag. Babydmon had my entire cup of French fries then was happy. Koromon on the other hand took almost everything on my tray, and I even had extra food.

Konnor: Koromon if you eat like that again you'll end up Digivolving into Burpmon.

Koromon: Really?

Konnor: Yeah really. Then you'll then eat everything in sight and never be full.

Koromon:Oh no!

Konnor:Then you better learn to control your appetite.

Koromon: Okay.

I smiled while leaning on the table, maybe this place won't be too bad after all.

I looked down at my Vpet after putting on the tail and ears they were passing out. It was pointing at the entrance to the Cafeteria. I kinda knew where this was going, so I entered the hallway crossing my arms.

Konnor *almost mockingly*:What cha planning there sugar cube?

Sunset Shimmer:Well well if it isn't Mr. Hotshot?

Konnor:Hmph! You got anything better than that to insult me with?

Sunset Shimmer: Don't you have somewhere better to be?

After she asked me that a static like aura behind her.

Konnor:Not really. But a word of advice, being a glutton of anything at all will leave you sad and alone.

I bumped Sunset Shimmer's shoulder as I passed. Koromon poked his head out of my bag a bit.

Koromon (whispering):That was so cool!

Konnor: Thanks.

A couple of hours later I saw Twilight run into what I could only assume was a beauty store. I already know what's going on, but I had to go in to check on her. I opened the store door and saw the whole cast there.

Konnor:Look I know I'm not supposed to be in a store like this, but I saw Twilight run in here. She looked like she was... upset.

Rarity: You thought so too?


Two minutes later Twilight came out of her changing Booth.

Applejack: You okay?

Konnor:Yeah... You seemed upset.

Twilight: The Fall Formal isn’t happening tonight.

Pinkie: What?!?!?

Twilight: It had to be postponed because Sunset Shimmer had Snips and Snails ruin all of Pinkie Pie’s decorations.

Pinkie: What?!?!?

Twilight: But the Fall Formal has to happen tonight.

Pinkie: Wha—

This exclamation gets cut short by Applejack’s hand clamping itself over her mouth; two green eyes shooting her a “don’t even think about it” look before cutting back toward Twilight. The latter lets out a heavy sigh and gets ready to lay it out.

Twilight: You see—

The second Applejack lowers her hand, it is as if the pipe connecting Pinkie’s brain and tongue has burst.

Pinkie: (rapid fire) You’re from an alternate world and you’re a pony princess there and the crown actually has a magical element embedded in it that helps power up other magical elements and without it they don’t work anymore and you need them to help protect your magical world, and if you don’t get the crown tonight, you’ll be stuck in this world and you won’t be able to get back for, like, really, really long time!

She cranks off the biggest, squeakiest grin of her life, in this world or the other, and none of the four alongside her quite knows what to make of this verbal tsunami. Twilight, on the other hand, lets her jaw hang full open in undiluted shock, her eyes bugging out as a donkey’s bray echoes in the shop. Spike is not faring much better with the realization that Pinkie has drilled a bullseye, but Rainbow is completely unfazed and scratching the back of her head. I however stood there with my hands in my pockets unfazed.

Rainbow: Yeah. I’m pretty sure that isn’t the reason.

Spike: Nope, she’s pretty much spot on.

Now Rarity gets into the act, so gobsmacked by this last that she claps hands to temples.

Rarity: He can talk?!?

Spike: (walking to her) Oh, yeah. And back where I come from, I’m not even a dog! (standing up on hind legs) I’m a ferocious, fire-breathing dragon!

As he throws off a cocky little smile, Fluttershy shoves Pinkie and Rarity aside in her eagerness.

Fluttershy: (giddily) This is so amazing! (kneeling down to him) Tell me, what are you thinking right now?

The oddness of this particular question leaves him at a loss. Cut to his perspective of the ear-to-ear-smiling yellow face pushed up into his own, accompanied by a shudder from the o.s. Rarity, and pan to the latter. Witnessing his power of speech has left her completely dumbstruck; at ground level, he eases his way over to her leg.

Spike: Sure would love a scratch behind the old ears. (Rarity mumbles incoherently.) Uh…maybe later.

Twilight: (to Pinkie) How did you know all that?

Pinkie: Just a hunch.

Applejack: Wait a minute! Let me get this straight. You’re a pony?

Rarity: You’re a princess? (Fluttershy straightens up partway.)

Fluttershy: You’re from another world?


Rarity:Why aren't you fazed by this?!

Konnor:You want a full blown long explanation like Pinkie Pie gave?


Konnor: Good. Plus I have my own secrets.

Now fully bowled out, Twilight can do little but scratch the back of her head and offer a shaky, blushing smile.

Twilight: (swallowing hard, nodding) Mmm-hmm.

Rainbow: (levelly) That…is… (beaming) …awesome!

Rainbow: (levelly) That…is… (beaming) …awesome!

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What if I (DarkNarukami112) was in My Little Pony Equestria Girls X Digimon Where stories live. Discover now