These Familiar, Silent Halls...

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The sheets rustled, their touch a familiar one. Green eyes opened slowly, taking in the surroundings. Arms and legs shifted, testing the movement of muscles and finding them working fine, stiff but otherwise fine. A leather strap restrained his torso. Moving his hands around, he felt beneath the sheet and found a leather strap across his chest. Trying to remember the events that led to this, he found his memories clouded and hazy.

The strap became loose enough that he was able to wriggle out of it. His muscles protested, but he was able to get out of it and sit up in the bed, the sheet that had been covering him fell down to his waist.

The room was dark, and the skies outside the windows were covered in dark clouds, blocking out the moon.

His mind was still clouded, and he didn't have any recollection of earlier events... Everything was just jumbled together, and he couldn't make sense of it. His mind was all hazy, it seemed like whenever he tried to grab onto any sort of memory, it slipped through his fingers.

Ignoring his mental dilemma for a moment, he tried to look around the room to note his surroundings, but all he saw was the darkness and some odd shapes that seemed to meld together the longer he looked at them.

His vision was blurring, and a wave of nausea overwhelmed him, making him grab onto the side of the bed for support. Shaking his head, he tried to keep his eyes open and focused, but it proved to be difficult.

Panic rose in his chest, and his breath became heavy.

Something was wrong. Really wrong. But what?

The panic rose higher, he couldn't understand the situation he was in right now-

Nothing was coming to mind, and he was so so confused.

Why was he strapped down with a sheet over him?

Why isn't there anyone else in here?

Why did he feel so... terrible?

His head started to pound from the stain he was putting on his mind, and he released a shaky exhale as the nausea still hadn't gone away. His grip on the side of the bed became tighter, and the trembling of his body got more pronounced.

It was all becoming too much, and he felt his panic reach a whole new level. He had to know what was happening and why. He had to remember something, anything. His mind was racing as fast as it could, trying to figure out the situation. His headache was getting worse rapidly, and he found his body trembling uncontrollably.

He brought up his free hand and held his head, squeezing his eyes shut tightly as the pain and confusion continued. Not going to find the answers in his mind, he swung himself out of the bed quickly. He staggered. Holding his balance just barely, he stumbled around the dark room for a few moments until he finally found a wall to support himself against. Leaning heavily against the wall, he let out a groan as his head pounded, and his muscles were all still stiff. Forcing his eyes open, he started to move along the wall, searching for a door.

After a few moments, he finally felt his hand brush against something akin to a large door- he felt around it before he found the handle. His hands trembled, but he managed to open the door.

He winced as the soft firelight hit his eyes,

He was desperate. He had to know what was happening to him. Searching everywhere, his vision was still foggy, and his body felt like it belonged in the ground. But it was no use. Nothing here was giving him any answers, and all this stress was only making the pain worse. Every part of his body was aching, and he found his knees giving in again. He had to know.

But he didn't know what he was searching for.

He walked into the hallway on shaky legs. He placed his hand on the wall for support and walked along it. He eyed his surroundings with blurry vision, which were very familiar.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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