Part 10

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Izzy pov:

Alright so since me mal and soph are going to the mall i'm gonna get ready now

i changed into my blue swiftly tech long sleeve and black shorts and my blazers

i changed into my blue swiftly tech long sleeve and black shorts and my blazers

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(the outfit)

I straightened my hair and did some mascara and lipgloss

I then packed my lulu belt bag with money, phone and few other necessities

5 minutes later Malachi can to pick me up

i then walked over to Malachis car

"Hey Iz" Mal said hugging me

"Hey mal are we picking up Sophie too?" i asked

"no she's meeting us there" he answered

he then started driving


we talked until we got to the mall

we saw sophie walking in so we went up to her

"Hey soph" i said

"Hey izzy and mal" she responded

we walked into the mall

we went to a lot of different stores like lululemon, sephora, urban outfitters, ae, and nike

as we headed to the food court we saw dylan and sunny

"oh is that dylan over there" sophie asked

"oh yea i think it is and i think that's sunny. i kinda wanna go say hi should we?" i asked

"yea let's go" soph said

we walked up to sunny and dylan

"hey dylan oh and hey sunny" i said politely

"uh hey uh guys what are y'all doing here?" dylan asked

"we were shopping duh" sophie said sarcastically

"um ok good for you guys can y'all leave us alone now?" he asked

what is up with him

"i'm dylan can i talk to you real quick?" i asked

"whatever" he walked over to the elevator with me

"what do you want izzy" he asked

"first of all you can lose the attitude and second what is up with you? you've been ignoring us and when i told you i was hanging with mal AND the cast filming you cut me off after mal" i told him

"listen it's nothing ok"

"dyl it's obviously something you seem almost jealous or something" i told him

"fine maybe i am a little jealous cause you spend all your time with malachi instead of me. you stay up late calling him too and y'all always hang out" he said

yep he defo is jealous

"we'll you know mal and i have known each other since we were 3 so have me and soph i only knew you since i was 10 there's a difference so obviously i'm closer to mal" i said

"ok whatever by isabella" he said walking away

i just stood there

dylan then grabbed sunny's hand and left

i walked over to mal and soph

"maybe you guys can talk some sense into him" i said

"what happened iz" mal asked

i told them

"i think i know what's going on" sophie said

"what?" me and mal said at the same time

"it's actually obvious... dylan likes you" she continued

"WHAT" i said

"he's jealous your hanging with another boy. he knows how close you and mal are and he wants that." she explained

"omg your right" i said

"soph you should talk to him to make him confess that are at always trick him into confessing that" malachi said

"that's smart" she said

we talked for a little while before we decided to leave

we said goodbye to sophie and then me and malachi went to his car

we drove home listening to kanye and drake

when we got to my house malachi walked me to the door

"by mal thanks again for paying for like almost all of this" i said hugging him

"np iz" he said hugging back

"do you want to stay over tonight?" i asked him

"yea let me text my mom to tell her" he said

we then went inside

"Mama i'm home with Mal" i yelled

"alr izzy baby do you guys want any food?" she asked us from the living room

we walked in there

"no it's ok me and mal are gonna get sushi soon" I told her

"ok and hi Malachi" she said

"Hi Ms. Vergara" he said

my mom loves him

we went up to my room so I could put my shopping bags down and then we left for sushi

it was so good

oooo dramaaaa! do dylan like izzy??
who knows? the next part will be out soon

adios 😘

**730 words

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