Part 2

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Izzy's pov:

Since we're going to the amusement park and Malachi is picking me up in an hour I'm gonna start getting ready now

I got changed and then did some natural makeup and did my hair as well

author: you guys can imagine whatever outfit and hair you want so you can choose your own style!!

It was about 2 pm and I heard a knock on the front door

"Izzy hun Malachi is here" My mom yelled from downstairs

"i'm coming!" I yelled back

I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs

"Bye momma" I said giving her a hug

"Bye Ms. Vergara" Malachi said as well

"Adios you two, oh and Izzy be home by 7 ok" my mom yelled after us

"ok momma" i yelled again and got into Malachis car

Dylan was already there in the passenger seat but of course since i'm me i have to sit up front so i kicked him out

"Hey Dylan and also get out" I told him

"Hey Izzy and no" he said. he said it so sassy like bro no

"Dylan I swear to God get out or i will pull you out myself" I told him crossing my arms

"ok ok calm down" he responded getting out

I then got into the passenger seat

And because Malachi has horrible taste in music I took the aux and put on my spotify playlist

"hey that was mean" Malachi said

"but you have horrible taste in music" i said back

"whatever" he said back focusing on the road again

on my playlist i have drake, lana, and sza

I started blasting "Summertime Sadness" by Lana Del Ray

We then got to Sophie's house where she was waiting on the front porch

She got into the back seat and malachi started driving again

About 10 minutes later we arrived at the amusement park

we hopped out of the car and went to buy 4 passes

after that we went on a few rides including 2 roller coasters and the fairs wheel before we ate

however since it's a amusement park everything is soooo overpriced but it's ok 👌

i bought popcorn, churros and a strawberry lemonade

after we finished eating we went into the arcade

we played a whole lot of games like ring toss, connect 4 basketball, and a whole lot of other arcade games

when we finished I had 1,112 tickets and the others had around that much too so we deciddd to go into the prize room (i think that's what it's called idk tho)

i picked out a giant teddy bear and a bunch of candies (cause why not)

when we finished there it was almost 6:30 so Mal drove us back to our house

He first dropped of Dylan then Sophie

We arrived at my house at 6:54

"Bye Mal thank you again for driving us" I said hugging him

"Ofc anytime Izzy see you later" He said hugging me back

Something happened to me when he hugged me though

It felt different

I then let go and walked inside to find my mom

"Mom i need to talk to you right now" i said sitting on the couch

"Izzy hun what's wrong?" she asked me

"so when Malachi just dropped me off we hugged but it felt different. It felt off for some reason but i don't know why" i said playing with my nails

but when i looked up she was smirking

"oh Izzy you like him that's why" she told me

that's something i never wanted to hear

i can't like my best friend

"no i can't like Mal he's one of my bsf" i told her

"we'll izzy wether you like it or not you have feeling for him" she told me

she then kissed my forehead and got up to check on dinner

I went upstairs to my room still trying to piece  together what my mom just said

That night that was all i could think about

but i can't like him

that could ruin our friendship

and i definitely don't want that

I've known Malachi since we were like 3 and if i like him i could be throwing 13 years of friendship away

which i definitely don't want to happen

what should i do


do you guys like the story so far? btw i'm not sure if Malachi is going to be endgame yet but he's who i'm gonna start with in the story. lmk what y'all think. byee babes

**757 words

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