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Boss never liked the saying 'cross the bridge when you get there'. Because fuck that damn bridge! Why isn't it ever smooth-sailing?

But for once, he's willingly headed towards that bridge, fully knowing there will be consequences to face and with no way to truly be prepared for it. And that's enough to make Boss' insides churn and wish that it's one of those things you can just sleep on and when you wake up, the storm has passed.

But it's not.

And he won't make the same mistake twice.


Noeul thought the call with Boss was odd but he didn't think it was a cause for concern. The latter's battery obviously died and although Noeul would love to talk to him, especially since he's nerve-wracked, he can't because their guests have just arrived.

He decides he'll call him later through Peat; Noeul knows Peat went with Fort to watch the race—at least, that's what Peat told him.

The waiter ushers the guests to their private room in the Chinese restaurant just downtown. Noeul immediately rejoins his mom to properly greet them. He takes a deep and nervous breath to which his mother squeezes his hand as a show of support.

I'm here. It's okay. She says with her eyes and Noeul nods, smiling back.

The couple who enters the room get visibly emotional upon laying eyes on Noeul, the boy who is living and breathing thanks to Ple's heart.

"Hon." The man pats his wife's arm gently and she chuckles whilst wiping a stray tear. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just so happy."

Her husband leads her to their seats across from Noeul and his mom. "Thank you so much for agreeing to meet us. I know it must not have been an easy decision for you." He says, reaching out to shake the other woman's hand then Noeul's. His wife does the same but she holds Noeul's hands just a tad bit longer before finally letting go and taking their seats.

"I'm sorry that it took a while." Noeul's mom pipes up then. "I was worried about how he would take it back then, if he'd be too pressured."

"We understand." Ple's father assures her. "We know it was a lot to ask. We're truly grateful and I personally feel at ease, knowing a nice young man is taking care of our daughter's heart."

"Are you well now, dear?" Ple's mother asks then, slightly taking Noeul by surprise. But he steadies himself and replies brightly, "I am, ma'am. It's been a while since I last needed adjustments on my meds. Also, I've done more over the past year than I ever had my whole life." He gets a bit shy towards the end and it's a weird feeling, being alive because their daughter died. But Noeul tries to put it into perspective. "Thank you for giving me this opportunity."

"No, thank you." Ple's mom says in between sobs. "The thought of you helped us get through the grief, knowing we made her proud by not letting her death be meaningless and that someone out there has a piece of our Ple."

Noeul suddenly falls silent, feeling as though his breath had been stolen from him. Did he...hear them correctly just now?"

"What...what's your daughter's name again?" He asks barely above a whisper, convincing himself he just misheard yet the sinking feeling in his stomach says otherwise.

"Oh, right." Ple's mother beams. "You must be curious about her too." She proceeds to pull out an envelope and Noeul could swear she's moving in slow motion. He feels a growing dread as she slides it over to him and now, everyone's eyes are on him, waiting for him to open it.

Noeul tries to ignore the name he heard earlier, he tries not to think of the fact that Ple coincidentally died around the same time they found him a heart donor and he tries to push aside the way Boss tried to stop him from meeting the couple.

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