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*Flashback end*

Right now jimin was sleeping peacefully after remembering his past

Today he was sleeping peacefully because yoongi will come late


At night*

Yoongi come and direct went towards jimin room he was missing his love

He was expecting that younger was sleeping peacefully but he saw

Jimin was sitting infront of window and doing something

"Jimin" yoongi called him jimin turned his face and reply in hmm

"What are you doing" yoongi asked while taking of his blazer

"Nothing actually I was writing a letter for my hyung" said in low tone

"Oh so what are you writing let me see"

"Here" jimin was looking expression less

"Can I go to washroom please" jimin asked

"Hello mr unknown actually i am calling you unknown because I don't know your name i think you were right my fate stuck with you forever and it's okay i will be your forever satisfaction i will do whatever you want i will not disobey you"

Yoongi felt a sudden chest pain while reading this jimin comes and ask for food

Jimin- c-can you pl-please give me food

Suga-ye-yeah come on!.

They went to downstairs and today know if them dare to say a single word


Jin was admit in hospital since 1 week and today he discharged and when he was in car he remember that incident his is immediately filled with tear

Jimin" he whispered jimin name

Jin- tae stop the car please "he shout

Tae-what happen hyung


taehyung stop the car and asked what happened

Jin- t-tae where is ji-jimin

Tae- hyung he was with his aunt

Jin-aunt? Tae he didn't have aunt who tell you that he was with his aunt....say!!!! Tae..

Tae- i found a Letter on his room

Jin- call jimin

Tae call jimin but his phone switched off jin tell him everything what happened to him and jimin that day

Tae call jimin but his phone switched off jin tell him everything what happened to him and jimin that day

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Tae was silently listening to jin

Jin- that bastard kidnapped him (jin start crying)

Tae was really angry but he somehow control himself because his hyung condition was not ok he hugged jin

Tae- hyung calm down we will find him soon!

Jin- tae i am sorry

Tae- it's ok hyungie now that bastard will taste the death (tae eyes become red ) let's go home first then i will try to locate him

They reach at tae home tae help his hyung to come inside

Tae take jin toward his room because he don't want to leave his hyung alone

Tae- (tae hold jin hand and said) hyungie i am coming in 1 hour with you dinner you sleep there okie

Jin- thanks tae

(Tae smiled)

Tae call jungkook and namjoon

Soon namkook come

Jk- tae baby wh- he cut off when he saw namjoon there

Jk- taehyung wh-why you c-call me

Namjoon- he call us because Taehyung had something to tell us about Jimin

Jk- what happens to that mini boy(jk laugh)

Tae- jungkook can you please sit silent for sometime

Jk- ok ok i am sorry.... say

Tae tell everything namjoon and jungkook was shocked they became silent

Namjoon- WHAT!!!!

tae- don't shout jin was sleeping

Jk- tae what are you saying!!!

Tae-please no more question i am also confused...... but now we have to take our jimin out from that hell

Tae-jungkook please bring your laptop

Jk nodded

Namjoon- tae what are you going to do

Tae- actually hyungie i have a friend who is cop and he know hacking and everything so I hope he will help me

Jk- tae here. ( Jk give tae his laptop)

Tae call his friend he called him by laptop because his phone is not working properly


???: hey tae how are you and why you called me

Tae; actually i need your help

???: hm.. say how can I help you

Tae: actually hobi hyung ji-min was kid-kidnapped (he start crying while saying this)

Jhope: tae ......why are you crying please be strong

Namjoon puts laptop on his side and jungkook hug taehyung to calm him

Namjoon: hey jhope..... it's me namjoon

Jhope: namjoon it's not truth right???

Namjoon : jhope it's true and we need your help

Jhope: ok i am coming where are you all?

Namjoon- at taehyung home

Jhope: ok wait i am coming



I am really sorry guys for late update actually i catch fever so ......hope you all will understand and tell me how is it and um
.......two chapters maybe coming tomorrow...... let's see 👀

1.17k guyzzzzzzzzz 👀💜

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