He's Mine ~ Damon Salvatore

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A/N: This story takes place at the end of episode five of season two. I do not take credit for the plot or characters—just Crystal Forbes, the character I added.

TW: Violence 


Crystal's POV

Caroline and I walked over to the riverbed where Elena was sitting, ripping a handful of grass up, "Hey, how are you?" I asked, Elena made a disapproving sound in the back of her throat as I took a seat next to her on the rock, picking up a leaf, ripping it as well. "You know? Maybe it's for the best." Caroline said, she was being weird lately, I know she turned but ever since the barbecue, something's been off. I tried talking to Elena about it but she just said "I don't know", so I left it alone.
"It's not for the best Caroline, none of this is for the best." Elena snapped at my sister. Caroline and I both glanced at each other then looked away, watching the stream.
Elena sighed, "I'm sorry," she started, tucking hair behind her ear. "Okay, I-I don't mean to take it out on you. You're just being a good friend." She said in an odd tone. "Elena—" I started, but was cut off by Caroline, "No I'm not. I'm not being a good friend at all." Elena looked at Caroline, shocked by her words, as I glanced up and saw mom walking away on the phone. "Wait, is she leaving?" I ask out loud.
We got up and vamp-sped to meet our mom, "Where's she going?" Caroline asked, "I have no idea."
"What's wrong?" Caroline and I ask in unison.
"Oh nothing," She started, "I-uh-I just have something—" I cut her off by asking, "You mean work?" "I mean, you surprised me, you lasted longer than five minutes." My sister said, crossing her arms. "It's important, girls."
"It always is." I mumbled, mom gave me a look before saying, "I'm sorry," pursing her lips and shaking her head a bit before turning around and walking away.
"What's going on?" Elena asked, coming up in between us. "I don't know," I said, watching my mom walk further away. "Something's up."

Caroline and I suddenly stopped in our tracks, "What is it?" Elena asked, "They've been here." I answered, Caroline bent down and touched some of the blood on one of the tree leaves, looking back at Elena and I.
"What are you two doing out here?" A male voice said. We turned around quickly, seeing Mason Lockwood. "Have you seen Stefan?" Elena asked, a frightened look on her face, as in her tone. "Yeah Elena, I've seen him." He answered, the worry growing deeper in Elena's face. "Seen Damon too." This made my blood boil, if he did something to my boyfriend, I would kill him. It would be excruciatingly painful too. "Where are they." I growled out. Caroline rested her hand on my arm, her attempt to calm me down, I yanked my arm from her grip. I wasn't in the mood for that right now. "You don't need me for that, I'll let you and your sister sniff 'em out." Mason said, stalking closer. Elena looked back at me and Caroline, an alarmed look on her face. "I swear to god if you touch him, I'll kill you." I responded fiercely. "I see what Damon sees in you, you're feisty." Mason says. I snarl about to kick his ass. "Does your mother know what you are?" Mason asked, aggravating me further. Caroline looked at him, her mouth slightly open. "I'm happy to tell her." He said smugly. "Thats it!" I said going to vamp speed to Mason, but he grabbed Elena, "Don't be stupid." This made me stop in my tracks, "Necks snap easy 'round here." Elena gulped, putting her hands on Masons arm, clawing at it for him to let go.
"We can take you." Caroline said, "Wanna bet?" He asked smugly, "Yeah. I do." I vamp sped to Mason, grabbing him pushing him up against a tree. He groaned, "Told ya." I smirked, kneeing him in the groin. He gasped and collapsed. I laughed, kicking him in the stomach, "Common." Caroline said, titling her head in the direction Damon and Stefan are. I heard a gunshot followed by Damon screaming in pain. I vamp sped to where I heard it, I ended up at the old Lockwood cellar.
Elena and Caroline were quick to follow. "Oh my god," Caroline said, "Shit." I muttered. "Caroline, Crystal, what is it?" Elena asks. "Our mom." Caroline replies.
"That bitch!" I exclaim, about to go down, but Caroline holds me back. "You can't go down there," Caroline says worry all over her face. "she'll know what we are."
"No, I don't care. I love him and I'm not just going to let him die!" I yell, ripping my arm from her grasp. As I run down the stairs I hear Caroline telling Elena what's going on, and the sound of Elena running after me not long after.
I hear my mom say, "Lets do this, each with a stake in the heart. Then burn them both." As I open the gate. "Check it out."
One of the policemen comes around the corner and I bite his neck, throwing him to the floor. I hear Elena behind me, "Let me go first." Elena says, I'm hesitant at first but Elena gives me a pleading look and I let her go.
"Elena what are you doing?" My mom asks furiously, "You can't kill them, I'm not going to let you."
"Caroline?" I whisper, "I'm here." She says, sadly smiling. We hear someone shove Elena, so we use our speed, going further into the cellar. Caroline shuts the door and our mom asks, "Who else is with you?" As we speed around the men disoriented, turning and holding their guns every way they hear something. Caroline and I
take out both officers, then we step into the light, blood streaming down our faces and say in unison, "Hi mom." She looks at us with surprise and disgust on her face and I just run over to Damon.
"Damon, baby." I say, kissing his forehead, he weakly opens his eyes and gives me a tired smile.

 I pull out the bullets one by one and he groans or winces each time. "Last one," I say pulling one from his left knee, he stifles a groan. "Sorry,"
"Thank you." He says looking at me, still weak.
"You're mine Salvatore. No one can get away with hurting you." I say before dragging one of the officers over to him so he can regain his strength. As he bites into the officer's neck I bite my lip. How is he so fucking hot?
He finishes, crawling over to his brother, "You need to drink some deputy blood."
"No, I'm fine." Stefan says, clearly weak. "It'll just take a little bit longer."
"Damon's right you know," Caroline says, well there's some words I never thought I'd hear her say. "If there's ever a time to break your diet..."
"He said he didn't want it." Elena snapped back.
"How are you?" I ask Damon, sitting next to him rubbing his back. "Better, thanks to you." He says smiling, giving me a peck on the lips before getting up, he stumbles a bit, so I stand next to him, wrapping my arm around his back.
"This is the most unfortunate situation," Damon starts, "Three deputies dead...and you...what am I going to do with you?" He asks looking at my mom. I look up at him, and when he looks back I know he won't hurt her. She's my mom, and his friend.
"You won't tell anyone, will you?" Caroline asks.
Mom glances at Caroline but looks away, shamefully. "Mom?" I ask, she looks down Averting her gaze further. Damon's grip on my side tightens, in attempt to comfort me. "Mom? Mom, please," Caroline pleads, tears forming.
"Look, I know we don't get along and that you hate us, but...we're your daughters...you'll do this for us, right?" I ask, biting my lip in discomfort.
"Mom please, he will kill you." Caroline says, and my jaw tightens.
"Then kill me."
"Mom, no!" Caroline says her voice cracking. Damon lets go of me and walks closer. "I can't take this," mom says, her voice full with tears.
"Kill me, now." My mom says, Caroline stands up and a tear breaks free, falling down my face. Damon gets closer to her, now in her face, "But you were gunna drag it out so painfully," Damon picks her up and everyone except me jumps. I know he won't hurt her.
"No, no, no, no, no, no!" Caroline exclaims. "Damon no." Stefan warns.
"Relax, no one's killing anybody." Everyone lets out a breath when Damon says that.
"You're my friend," Damon says, letting my mom go, walking back to me throwing his arm around me for support. "We gotta clean this up." He adds.


"Hey," I say, opening the door for Caroline. "Hi," Elena says walking in behind me. "Sorry it took so long, I just didn't know how long mom would be here." Caroline explains, luckily I didn't have to go home to pack since I have a drawer in Damon's dresser.
"Damon says it'll take three days tops for the vervain to leave her system." Elena says.
"Maybe even sooner," I add. Stefan walks down the hallway behind us, "Hey," he greets Caroline, "Hey. Get some bunny in ya?" Caroline asks, "Yeah, feeling much better. Thank you."
Caroline goes to one of the extra bedrooms and I go to check on mom. I overhear her and Damon's conversation, "It's not exactly the Ritz, but it's secure, and I brought you a good thread count." Damon starts, "And once the vervains worked its way out of your system, I will compel you and you will forget everything, and you will be a free woman."
"Keep the girls away from me please." I hear her say, as I stop at the outer frame of the door, my smile falling, "I don't want to see them."
"They're your daughter's, Liz." Damon says, "Not anymore." I look at the ground, "My daughters are gone."
"You have no idea how wrong you are about that." Damon states, his eyes falling to me, giving me a small smile. I just look down and turn away, biting my lip to hold back tears. The sound of Damon's voice defending me to my mom fades away as I go to his room, curling into a ball softly crying.
I hear the door open and wipe my tears away, "Hey Crystal," Damon says, softly. I feel the bed sink where he sits. "Baby, commere," he says, resting a hand on my shoulder. He knows I don't like it when people see me cry, he's pretty much the only one I do cry around.
I slowly turn my head to look at him, and he pulls me into a warm hug. I burry my head into his neck, tightening the hug. He runs his fingers through my hair, kissing the side of my head.
"I know baby, I know." He says rubbing a hand over my back.
After a very long, much needed hug we change into our pajamas well—pajamas for us being boxers, underwear and one of Damon's T-shirts.
As I'm leaning over to turn the light off Damon grabs my torso and throws me on top of him, I giggle as our lips meet in a long, passionate kiss. Our mouths move in sync and our tongues dance, fighting for dominance. He runs his hands up and down my back, as I run my fingers through his soft raven hair.
I pull back from the kiss, out of breath, "What was that for?" I ask him, "Do I really need a reason?" He questions, I smile at him, blushing. He pulls the covers back over us and I snuggle into his chest, feeling his chest rise and fall, listening to his breathing.
"Goodnight. I love you," I say into his bare chest.
"Goodnight beautiful, I love you more." He replies and I know there's no reason to even fight with him about who loves who more because he always finds a way to shut me up.

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