"The Horrors Down the Line"

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August 8th, 1986: 6:26Am

We've just gotten everyone up and are getting ready to head out soon. We've gathered up as many supplies we can find in the yard and nearby buildings. After we got everything set and had a quick pray with a pasture who was on Thomas's train, we set off up the line. Hopefully we find what we seek while on the way towards Crosby station.

August 8th, 1986: 6:59Am

We did find someone or... well... what is left of who we found. We've just got to Crosby and were met with the dead silence that filled the whole place. We entered the station building while we had to cross the numerous bodies that laided all over the platform. After we found nothing inside we searched the goods yard and that's when we found something very gruesome. It was the corpse of Bear. The poor thing was in the most horrorific condition. He had probably came flying into the yards as he was trying to escape and so ended up crashing into the breakdown train. We didn't stick around for too long, so we got back to the engines and set off and left Bear to rest in peace now.

August 8th, 1986: 7:20Am

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August 8th, 1986: 7:20Am

We continued up the line until we got to Wellsworth station and like Crosby. It too was littered with dead bodies. I and the others noticed that these were freshly gored meaning that something had just recently happened here. It's then Thomas suggested that we leave at once as he doesn't feel comfortable. I can agree with him. I too am feeling a bit uneasy being here. As we began to leave. We heard an engine heading in our direction from behind and then we felt a violent jolt as someone hit us and then tried to pull us back. We saw it was Emily. Well once was Emily but now all it was a vicious creature. We'd managed to get out of the grip of that thing and ran for it. But Emily chased after us screaming and roaring loudly.

I opened the regulator wider and John shovelled in coal quickly as we picked up speed. But the monstrous creature of Emily was catching up. We entered the docks and were switched into one of the empty sidings and came to one hell of a rough stop. Then Emily came along beside us and came to a stop. It was then tentacles began to exit from Emily's mouth. We all let out a scream and shut out eyes and waited for our inevitable end to come.

But that never happened as next came as what happened next was that some flatbads came into view. It pushed the monstrous Emily several metres away from us and off the tracks. We tried to process what the fuck happened. But it wasn't for that long when we heard some engines approaching us and we were shocked to see it was Salty come into view and then BoCo soon enough. They were followed by workmen who ran over to Emily and killed her off.

August 8th, 1986: 10:11Am

It's been a few hours since all that has happened and we are as of now with Salty, BoCo and the other survivors in the goods shed surrounded by a camp fire. I was get down what happened to everyone during yesterday's horrors.

Salty's Tale:

Salty was doing some shunting when he saw people being attacked by those things and without a second thought. He ran for the nearest goods shed and hid there, until hearing BoCo roll into the docks with a passenger train. Only then he came out from his hiding spot and went over to an exhausted BoCo.

BoCo's Tale:

BoCo was at Wellsworth doing a usual passenger run. He also saw Bear pass by with a heavy goods heading in the direction of Crosby. BoCo waited some more when he heard the sound a very unusual sound and a strong stench of blood hung in the area. Before anyone could react to the strange activity. The whole station went into a frenzy as it was being viciously attacked by those things. BoCo didn't waste anytime and got as many people on board his train and reversed down the line and away from the danger. His engine began to cough and splutter due to the force he was putting on his engine. But BoCo didn't give up and kept going until he reached the docks and there he found Salty who came up alongside him.

After BoCo finished his tale. He looked down at the ground and BoCo said he hoped that Bear was alright out there. I and Douglas gave each other looks of nervousness and we knew that one of us have to tell BoCo about Bear. It was decided that Douglas would tell BoCo.

After we told BoCo what happened to Bear. BoCo went silent and all he said was by quote on what he said.

"Oh... oh okay, I see" (Shaky tone)

BoCo said that he needs some time to himself and rolled out of the shed and stopped next to the fuel pump outside the shed. Even though we were not in very good hearing range of him. I and the others could just about hear BoCo sobbing and knew that this news had really taken a toll on poor BoCo.

We're going to leave the poor engine be for now but now I have no idea on what to do. I really don't know.

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