''What could possibly go wrong?''[2]

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Weight.. an imposing force weighed on his chest. It swirled around spreading through his entire body. The pain sent through him felt distant as if recalling from a memory. But he'd never been hurt like this before had he?

The Saiyan opened his eyes, startled. He was still in the dark room yet something was different. The Saiyan's energy remained. He could move, jump, and most importantly, fight. The Saiyan felt a smile creep on his face. Until, his eyes met the same brown bag given to him earlier. He didn't understand kindness in the slightest and his instincts clearly wouldn't be removed overnight. Though, he did enjoy eating even if he did not need to.

He grabbed the bag with his hands and look inside... empty. This confused him... he slowly figured out why the bag was empty just what eating did. This angered the Saiyan but it was a different anger than any he'd felt before.. a small form of rage. For the first time in his life, the Saiyan felt.. annoyance.

Saiyan God: (Grunts) ...

The Saiyan was experiencing new emotions for the first time, emotions unlike ever before. It seemed Deiogus was right after all. The Saiyan wasn't the negativity he was born from, he could be more, and with the right guidance he will be more.

Suddenly one of the goo-like walls lifted revealing Deiogus and another unfamiliar man. The unfamiliar one looked upon the Saiyan with interest.

???: Looks like you were right on that adaption theory. He's already back on his feet even trapped in here! (He smiled stepping closer to the Saiyan)

Saiyan God: (He growled and swung his fist at the unknown god) GRAHHHHH!

???: (The god was hit by this attack which was enough to knock his Jaw clean off. The god looked down in surprise and shock before his the same Black goo that surrounded the three reformed his Jaw. The god laughed) Aw man I got him good that time!

Deiogus: (He looked at his fellow god slightly amused by this) Do you have to play that trick on every new person you come across, Vial?

Saiyan God: (The shock on his face was visible. He'd never encounter someone with an ability like his. When faced with such an ability he just kept on attacking)

Vial: (His smile grew wider as chains sprouted from the floor wrapping around the Saiyan and holding him in place) Now how did you say you could calm him again?

Deiogus: The only real way I know is treating him with kindness. (He leans on one of the walls observing the interaction between Vial and the Saiyan)

Vial: (Vial gets closer to the Saiyan smile never fading) Anomalies never cease to amaze me. (Vial then pats the Saiyan on the shoulder) Let's be great friends in the future!

Saiyan God: (He pauses and goes quiet. He assumed whoever this man was would attack him but he didn't. He even wanted to be friends. Though he didn't understand he began to slightly enjoy the presence of this god) ...

Vial: (He then turned to Deiogus) So did you name him already?

Deiogus: (He shook his head) Haven't had time to think about it. Though if I had to choose I think i'd name him-

Vial: Shh.. I'll handle the naming process. (He then points to the Saiyan) I hereby dub thee, Y/N!

Vial clearly the most eccentric of the had given the Saiyan his name. Yet, whether or not the name was considered good was up for debate.

Y/N: (He just stared confused at Vial. He was slowly beginning to understand the language they spoke)

 He was slowly beginning to understand the language they spoke)

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Deiogus: I don't think "Y/N" likes his name all that much. (Deiogus said with a chuckle)

Vial: Eh, he'll grow into it. (Vial shrugged with a stuck out tongue)

Deiogus: Well then that's that.. (He then walked toward a black wall) Are you coming with me or not?

Vial: (He snapped his fingers as the wall disappeared sinking into the floor below them) I think i'll pass.. I'll stay with Y/N a bit longer. (He was sitting on the ground with his legs crossed)

Deiogus: Suit yourself.. (Deiogus then walked out as the wall reformed behind him)

Vial: Well then.. let's get to know each other!(He smiled and released Y/N from his chains)


Deiogus appears here with a wide smile on his face

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Deiogus appears here with a wide smile on his face. He enjoyed visiting the place from time to time. There was something about the calm nature of the area, life flourished in this little garden without seeing war or battle. However, he wasn't here simply to enjoy the scenery he was here for someone else.

Devorah, a woman of unparalleled beauty (In Deiogus' eyes). She sat on the stairs very much enjoying her solitude. She hummed a simple tune with her eyes closed, blissfully unaware she wasn't alone.

Deiogus: You have a great humming voice. (Deiogus said from beside Devorah)

Devorah: (She was shocked by the sudden appearance of the other god) Ho-how did you find me!? (Devorah was sure she suppressed her divine energy)

Deiogus: Because I know you so well. I almost missed you though, with such a beautiful environment you fit right in.

Devorah: (Devorah's face turned red from the teasing. She was never the type to handle flirting especially from Deiogus) S-shut up..

Before the conversation between the two could go any further another lower god appeared in the garden.

Random god: (He bowed with a nervously look on his face) I'm sorry to interrupt you two but we have a problem.

Devorah: How urgent is it? (Though she would most likely never admit it she was upset they were interrupted)

Random god: Well Vial might've you know.. set that prisoner free and the two are causing chaos in the realm of the gods.

Deiogus: Oh that's it? I'm sure Vial knows what he's do-

Devorah: HE DID WHA-

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Hey there! I know it's been awhile since the last chapter release and i'm really sorry about that. I could barely find any time to recently with the way things have been going.

Thanks for reading this far. I'm trying to make chapters a little longer so then next one make take some time to come out. As always you're awesome, peace.

Ever-Infinite Possibility [Omni-Saiyan What-IF] ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now