''To void it shall return.'' (4)

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A snicker was heard as four beings sat in a field all conversing with one another. It was Vial, Levina, Bekiro, and Y/N. It's been years since Y/N was taken in by the gods and results clearly showed. The Saiyan was acting like a person now, he was acting more human.

Vial: I dunno... you both here.. alone. Sounds a lot like it to me! (Vial snickered with a grin on his face. His mind went straight to the worst)

Levina: Trust me when I say this. I would rather be drowned in a volcano then ever have to do something like that with HIM! (She pointed at Bekiro appearing angrier than ever. Vial had been instigating since he got here)

Y/N: (He laughed seeing the rather enjoyable sight of the deities arguing amongst themselves) BAHAHAHAHA!

Bekiro: (Bekiro was fuming at his fellow deities. He hadn't come here to get disrespected like this) Really? Because i'd rather have my bones crushed to dust than ever be with you! (Bekiro grinned while crossing his arms)

Y/N: You say this but are you really willing? (Y/n grinned thinking of the horrific ways each of them could die)

Bekiro & Levina: (Both looked at eachother then back at Y/n before shaking their heads) No.

Vial: Y/N... I had a whole thing going.. I was about to get them to fight! (Vial was upset Y/N broke up the argument before he could escalate things further)

Levina: Are our arguments really that entertaining to you? (Levina was genuine when she asked this.. genuine and a tad annoyed by his antics)

Vial: yes. 

Y/N: I figured they'd back up their claims.. Hmph.. cowards really.

Vial: You learnt how to speak pretty quickly and on a... decent level for your age! (Vial smiled while teasing his friend)

Y/N: Of course! I'm way smarter than you! (He said this with confidence that was met by laughter from Vial)

Vial: Whatever you say buddy. (He patted Y/N on the head with a slight smile)

Bekiro: Why must you constantly show kindness to this... lifeform?

Vial: The same reason people avoid you. I want to have a good day today. (Vial snickered to himself as he said this. Vial was quick to come up with comebacks)

Bekiro: Said by the outsider everyone hates. 

Vial: Said by the insider everyone hates.

Bekiro: I rather be an insider everyone hates than a mistake.

Vial: That must suck.. because I'll be real.. you're both. (Vial just burst out laughing feeling the joy of winning an argument against a deity)

Bekiro: Alright then... (Bekiro then raised his hand) I summon the divine blad- (His sentence was cut off mid way as he felt an impact hit his body. The impact was three fists all hitting him at once. Levina, Vial, and Y/N had all hit him with Levina's being the lightest)

Levina: We're you really about to use your divine blade for something so trivial? You call yourself a deity when you're really like a child! (Neither one planned to hit Bekiro with the others they all just grew tired of him)

Ever-Infinite Possibility [Omni-Saiyan What-IF] ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now