Chapter 2: Travel

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Will had a dream last night, but he doesn't know if he should share it. "It's just my mind being delusional. He's in Tartarus, not above land." He mumbled.

He eventually got out of bed and changed, even though it was still night time, he had to share this with someone.

He jogged to the Athena Cabin. He was just standing there at the door, wondering why he is here because of a dream. Annabeth quietly opened the door and crept out, not noticing the Head Healer. She turned around after closing the door, jumping, and placing a hand over her heart. "Oh my Gods, Will!" She whisper-hissed.

"Sorry!" He whispered back. "Follow me please!" She gave him a sceptical look, and followed him to the Dining Pavilion.

Percy was there, sitting at the Hades table, staring at the table like he was a staring conest with it. "Percy?" Annabeth touched his arm. He jumped too, placing a hand over his heart. "Jeez!" He whispered.

"Why are you here, Percy?"

"Oh, hey there Will. And I'm here because I had a dream. But I have no idea if it was real or not."

Will furrowed his brows, then his eyes widened, "Did you have a dream about Nico in the arms of a couple skeletons, traveling through Manhattan?" They both look at him with wide eyes, Percy nodded, "Yeah. I did. Did you, Annabeth?" She nodded, too.

They looked at him with eyes asking the same question, so he nodded.

"That's why I was at your cabin, Annabeth." Annabeth thought for a minute, then spoke. "Do you guys think it meant he was on his way back?" She was hopeful. Will didn't want to destroy her hope, but he had to be honest: "No, he's in Tartarus. It could've been our brains wanting us to believe that he was out of there."

"Way to kill the hope, dude." Percy said. His tone wasn't rude or anything, it was sad.

"Well, whatever it is, let's talk to Mr. D or Chiron tomorrow. Okay? Let's get some sleep." They nodded and headed back to the Cabins, but Will went to Cabin 13 instead, knowing he wouldn't be able to get sleep. Once he entered, he headed to Nico's bunk. As he was sitting down, the Cocoa Puffs ran up to him, hopped on the bed, and snuggled close. It was a bit unsettling for Will, but he at least had a piece of Nico still with him. He grabbed his chain necklace, the one Nico gave him. Nico's ring was still on there.

He recalled their memories that they had shared with Gorgyra, eventually falling asleep.

<*-*-*-*-*-*- Morning -*-*-*-*-*-*>

Will woke up to complete chaos. There was people running around, and the ever so constant "Where are they?!".

Will got up, and stretched. "Stay here, I'll be back later."

He left the building, and what he saw made him freeze.

People were running rampant, searching each Cabin for something. That's when he heard it. "Will Solace!" He stiffened, it was Reyna. He turned to the left, seeing Reyna marching up to him. "Oh, hey there Reyna."

To say he was nervous would be an understatement, Reyna had a strong scowl on her face. "I'm going to ask you this once: where is Nico? I feel like Annabeth is lying to my face."

"What did they tell you?"

"That he was in the Underworld." She growled. She must've woken on the wrong side of the bed... this was going to be a headache. "She not wrong, Reyna. He is technically in the Underworld."

"Then why didn't he receive my message?!" She yelled, the demigods that were looking for someone stopped and just stared. Will guessed he was the one they were looking for. "There he is- oh, Reyna already found him." His half-sister, Kayla, said under her breath.

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