The Unfortunate Indecent Concerning Cthulhu

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Trigger Warnings:

-Child Death



The mesmerizing night sky glistened as a group of people in black cloaks huddled around a circle, chanting the words 

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" and again 

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" The group looked around for hints that the ritual had worked, but didn't see a thing, the all looked down in disappointment, shuffling away angrily.

"Gerald! Get your younger brother ready for me!" exclaimed Laura, the mother of the two. She was obviously in a hurry, gathering her things as fast as possible.

"Gerald! We're going to be late!" Gerald looked up from his Nintendo, "Alright, Alright!" He got up and made his way to his brother's room,

"Ron. It's time to go." Ron didn't budge, instead flashing a toothless smile, giggling.

"Ma! He's not listening to me!" Complained Gerald. His mother came into the room angrily, tapping her feet.

"Gerald. He's four. He doesn't understand you yet." Laura firmly replied. Gerald groaned, scooping up his baby brother and walking out of the room. The three of them made their way to the car, admiring the beautiful 64 Impala before getting in and shutting the doors. Gerald buckled his brother to his carseat, and sat down next to him. Their mother started the engine and off they went. They arrived shortly after, hopping out of the car and grabbing their duffel bags as they excitedly skipped towards the community gym. They pushed open the door and paid for admission, immediately heading downstairs to the pool. They all slipped into their swimsuits and got Ron all dressed up, floaties and all. Gerald ran towards the diving board,

"CANNONBALL!" He shouted, splashing all of the others in the pool. Laura sighed, dipping her feet in before entering the lukewarm pool. They all had a jolly good time, Ron giggled uncontrollably, Gerald goofed around, and Laura kept an eye on them while also chatting it up with the neighbors. When the pool was closing, Laura got out and stretched, calling her children over.

"Gerald! Get Ron! I'll go check us out!" Laura turned and left the poolroom. Gerald, however, didn't hear his mother, for he was underwater, trying to hold his breath on a dare from his friends. He noticed his mother leaving, and got out, running after her, And then they left. Poor little Ron was left behind, floating around helplessly. He sniffled and looked around, but his family was nowhere to be seen. He sobbed and bawled. A dark shadow lurking in the pool beneath.

"Gerald, where's Ron?" Laura inquired.

"I- I thought you had him!" Gerald stuttered. They both ran as quickly as they could, and into the pool room they went, but Ron was nowhere to be seen. They both searched and searched, and in addition, asked the police to help. The police concluded the report, labeling the lost child as drowned. Laura and Gerald were both overcome with grief. Dear reader, I wish I could give you the happy ending you desire, but this is where the story ends.

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